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Trigger Warning: Blood and Character Death as well as grammar and spelling mistakes (Should I even put this here but oh well I can't writhe on tablets that well)

It hurts. Everything hurts. You place your hands on you stomach trying to stop the ever growing red stain. Black dots danced in you vision and you feel tired. You lie there helpless as your eyes start to close, your body growing weaker by the passing second. Your thoughts drift towards nothingness and you just want to either go quickly or not at all. "Y/N, Y/N you over here?" asks a voice, shortly followed by a tall stranger. Jim. "Oh God, what happened to you?" he asks, swapping your now red hands to his, putting pressure on your wounds. His question causing you to think back to how you end up lying here.

You were new to the enterprise, and you felt it, being stared at constantly, asking if you needed any help and the copius amounts of people asking you out on a date or something more. Little did anyone know, you had a boyfriend, having been with him since your third year at the academy. Despite the countless times he cheated and flirted with others, he always came back to you. He asked you out the day after your ex broke up with you, and maybe it was the best decision of your life, It was now bearing your third anniversary with the one and only James Kirk.

Your commanding officer - Spock - asked you to go on the away mission to collect some samples of indigenous plants of the planet you were inspecting. However it turns out nobody expected the planet to have huge rodent type monsters with claws the size of your forearm and fans as big as your skin bone. When that thing came charging, your group appeared and of course you ended up getting chased by it.

You knew you were dying the moment it sunk is claws into you buy you had hope, maybe it was seeing your boyfriends reaction that sealed you fate but anyway your dying and no power can save you.

Jim looks at you, his cerulean blue eyes melting into your e/c eyes, both of which had tears falling from. "You're gonna be okay y/n, trust me." He says frantically trying to put pressure onto your wounds trying to stop the amount of blood gushing out of your body. "I love you Jimmy, and thank you for three wonderful years." you say your voice shaky and quiet. "No don't talk like that, please. I love you and need you." He says holding you closer to him, you shake and shudder as waves of pain tear through you, but it becomes too much and you choose your eyes as your barely hear Jim's frantic pleads.

Jim holds your cold body after that, kneeling in your blood, your once perfect eyes closed forever. He holds you when they finally been him up. He still doesn't leave your side as the transporter room is full of sobs and basis as they see the both of you. He only leaves you when he sends youour to space after your quick yet meaningful funeral, repeating your last words in his head.

Thank you.

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