Chapter 2

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  Once we reach the castle and sit down at the Gryffindor table and wait for Dumbledore to start speaking. While waiting, I can't help but steal glances at Malfoy but when he smirked and winked at me, I quickly turned away not wanting him to see my face blushing beet red. I think to myself Harry! Don't look at Malfoy!  All you have to do is not look at Malfoy. But of course, I look at Malfoy. I notice his stormy grey eyes and his soft pink lips. I observe his dimples beside his mouth and his pale, pointed face. Harry snaps out of it!! This is Draco Malfoy you're thinking about! Are you going insane?!?

I was told there was going to be this Triwizard tournament thing with some other schools where we'll do some trials for a chance at some money, too bad I wasn't old enough to enter because you had to be 17. Ron and a bunch of other people seemed pretty bummed out since it was practically impossible to enter the tournament under aged with all the enchantments Dumbledore put up.

  "Aw come Ron, at least we get to watch, plus it's really dangerous from what I've heard" I said in hopes of cheering him up.

  "Yeah, I guess." He replied.

He sounds like a moody teenager I thought to myself.

  It was now a week later, and Dumbledore was currently announcing the champions of each of the schools that were going to participate. It was all normal until called my name. My world turned upside down and it was horrible. Apparently, we're supposed to fight some sort of huge monster for our first task!? Ron was, obviously, furious with me. Everyone thought that I found a way to enter the tournament! Oh, and Hermione, she agreed with Ron! Now no one's talking to me, and I feel so lonely and left out, it's like I'm living in my own little world.

It was now the next week into school, and everything's been going as per usual...except for this bloody tournament I'm supposed to participate in. Whatever, the classes are all the same old same old, but potions are even more unbearable than before...and not because of Snape this time I never thought I'd say that. It's because of Malfoy. Oh, that Malfoy, I can't stop running into him, can't stop staring at him whenever I get the chance to. Potions is extra unbearable since my cauldron is next to his. Today Snape told me and Malfoy to stay for a few extra minutes at the end of the class.

  "Potter, Malfoy, Professor Dumbledore has asked me to inform you that Malfoy will be tutoring Potter every Sunday and Friday." My jaw dropped, I was in shock, and I turned into a human tomato at just the thought of us together, after class, by ourselves...Whatever! This is Malfoy we're talking about why do I keep thinking about him like this!? I looked over and caught Malfoy flustered and red as well.

  "The rest of the information is in these letters from Professor Dumbledore." Snape said as he gave us the two letters.

  "Now leave my classroom you two!" Snape bellowed. I grabbed my items and ran out of there as fast as I could since I was flustered.  Malfoy was right behind me of course he was. He grabbed my arm, smirked and whispered

  "See you tomorrow at five in Snape's classroom...Potter" he then ran away in the opposite direction to the Slytherin dorms. I rushed back to the Gryffindor dorm as fast as my legs could carry me. I collapsed onto the bed and just thought about everything and tried to process it all. Why would Malfoy need to tutor me? Then I remembered the letter Snape gave me and I practically tore it open.

               Harry I'd like to inform you that from now on Draco Malfoy will be tutoring you for Potions class. I know you've had many disagreements with him in the past but please know that I'm simply trying to do what's best for you and your studies. These sessions are meant to be every Friday and Sunday from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm in Professor. Snape's classroom (which I've informed Professor Snape about already). And remember to stay out of trouble this year Harry, even though it seems to follow you.                                                                                                                                      -Professor Dumbledore

  Wait! I stopped and quickly glanced at the calendar Neville had on his bedside table, Friday, that's tomorrow! Ron came in and I hastily hid the letters and tried to act as normal as possible, although I've never been great at acting.

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