Chapter 17

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A few weeks later.

"Harry, Harry! Wake up!" I hear Draco saying while shaking me awake.

"What..." I say tiredly.

"You need to get ready for the tournament today."

"Come on..." I whine, "That's in a couple of hours... let's stay in bed for a while~"

"Mmmm, I like that idea." He says leaning downward to kiss me.

I bring my neck up connecting our lips, while he goes to straddle my waist.

"We don't have long." He whispered against my lips.

"Mmm" I hum in response. Not at all caring about the time.

I connect our lips once again, bringing my hands up to his hair tangling it in his platinum strands.


"Shush." I say wanting to just forget all the worries ahead.

I brings his lips to min gently but more passionately than ever before, almost trying to savour it. I move my hands down to cup his cheek and break the kiss.

"Draco... everything will be fine... I promise."

"Don't make a promise about something neither of us can control.

"Listen Draco, I will do anything to make sure I get to be happy with you okay." I say firmly, "anything..."

With that I kiss him firmly, but lovingly. He returns it just as passionate. We continue this for the next few minutes, just small but passionate kisses.

"We should get going now..." Draco sighs.


We get out of bed me putting on my champions outfit and Draco putting on a tight green sweater and some black trousers. We head out the door, going to the great hall to eat a little before going out to the quidditch field (the place they had told everyone to meet). Me and Draco reach the field hand in hand and are surprised to find a huge maze.

"Be careful." Draco says giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I will be." I say giving him a kiss on the forehead.

I walk over to where the other champions are lined up outside the maze. Me and Cedric are going into the maze first since we have the same score at the time.

"Witches and Wizards, welcome to the last task of the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore says as the crowd cheers, "When the first canon goes off our Hogwarts champions will enter the maze, second will be Krum and the third will be Fleur."

I get ready to run and take off in a sprint towards the entrance of the maze. Running through the maze I stop for a few seconds to catch my breath, although I soon hear footsteps coming from behind me. I spin around to find Krum run in a completely different direction then I was. I ignored it and just kept running to what I figured was the center of the maze. After a few dead ends and a couple wrong turns, I finally reach the cup. I start to run for it when I see Cedric do the same, we both touch the cup at the same time.
We land on dead grass of a graveyard.
"Where are we?" I hear Cedric say from a few feet away.
Instead of responding I walk over to the closet tombstone, reading the plaque.
"Tom Riddle..." I mumble to myself, "where have I heard that before..."
Before I could think more on the topic I hear footsteps approaching, setting me on guard.
"Kill the spare." I hear a raspy voice say and before I knew it a short, stubby man, named Wormtail also known as Peter Pettigrew pointed his wand at Cedric and shot out a green blast, killing him in an instant.
"Cedric!" I scream.
In shock from what was happening, I didn't have time to jump out of the way from a curse flying at me sticking me in place behind a statue. A cauldron appears by Pettigrew before he starts mumbling and throws something that was in his hands into the cauldron. He then took a bone from the tomb, cut off his hand and cut me, putting my blood in the cauldron. A cloud of black started swirling around the cauldron, before a figure started coming out.
"Voldemort..." I hiss quietly.
"My lord." I hear Wormtail say handing him his wand.
I panic knowing that this won't end well. I soon see him point his wand at his arm, calling his followers. One after another, they pop up in a black swirl of smoke. He talks to them, telling them how disappointed he is in them.
"Oh, and how could I forget our special guest..." He draws out turning slowly towards me.
I struggle to get out of the curse that has me trapped, but have no luck until Voldemort waves his wand letting me free.
"Lets duel." He says sinisterly.
I take the chance to grab my wand and move as close to the cup as I can. I don't end up getting very far before I am hit with a crucio.
"Ahhh!" I scream in agony.
"Haha.." Voldemort laughs.
He lifts the curse, sending a green on my way, but unlike last time I was ready and blocked it. He kept sending killing curses my way untill I met his curse with an expelliarmus. Sparks started to come out from the middle of the spells. This is my chance, I think to myself. I break the connection running to the cup, grabbing onto Cedric's body and touching the portkey.
I land on the clean grass of the qudditch pitch, crying while holding Cedric's dead body. Nobody notices what's happening a first until Dumbeldore comes running over asking what happened.
"He's back! He's back!" I shout.
Dumbledore pales at this. I soon hear footsteps running our way. I hand Cedric's body over to his dad, watching him break down in tears. I still have tears streaming down my face as I am pulled into a bone crushing hug.
"Harry, oh Harry." Draco sobed into my shoulder, "Merlin.. oh I'm so so so sorry Harry... I can't-"
"Listen, this is not your fault okay." I say throught he tears, cupping his face.
With that he just hugs me tighter and crys into my shoulder, mumbling frases here and there.
In all the comotion I didn't even notice Dumbledore and Snape dragging Mad Eye Moodie away.
Me and Draco slowly walking back to the common room, shocked from the events, decide to go straight to sleep, cuddling into eachother for support.

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