Chapter 4

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The next day I got ready and hurried downstairs with my mind filling with many thoughts. How do I beat that monster if I don't even know what it is!? How do I get Ron and Hermione to stop avoiding me and talk to me!? How do I get the entire school to believe me!? I sat down and began eating, I looked around the great hall and noticed Malfoy staring at me. What the heck, why is Malfoy staring at me!? Whatever, he was probably looking at something else in my direction. At that thought I felt my heart sink a little. Wait why do I feel sad? I'm supposed to be happy he isn't looking at me...right? Maybe I'll visit Hagrid, just to get my mind of these crazy thoughts running through my head. After quickly gulping down my breakfast with no communication with Ron or Hermoine, I took my invisibility cloak from the Gryffindor common room and headed to Hagrid's hut. Once I reached the hut I knocked, hoping he was there.

  "Huh? Who's there?"

  "Hagrid, It's me Harry. Let me in."

  "Ohh ok. Well come on then, inside you go."

  "Thanks Hagrid"

  "No problem, it's not like I'm not used to these surprised visits from you Harry" Hagrid said in a cheery tone.

  "Now, why did you come here this time? And where are Hermoine and Ron?"

  I sighed, "Hermoine and Ron are mad at me, that's why I came here alone. I also need to get my mind off a couple crazy things going on."

  "Why? That's out of character for them."

  "It's cause of that dumb tournament someone put me in."

  "Oh, it's because of that stupid tournament? Don't worry Harry I'm sure you can fight a dragon easy peasy-" Hagrid stopped in shock. My heart dropped to what felt like the inner core of the earth.

  "DRAGONS?!" I yelled out in shock

  "Shhh you didn't hear anything, pretend I didn't say that" instructed Hagrid.

  "Hagrid I can't just ignore that!"

  "Fine, fine, just don't tell a single soul I told you that"

  "Hagrid thank you so much!" I jumped up hugged him and ran out his hut.

   Finally, now I can solve one of my problems. I tucked my cloak into my pants and ran to the library. When I got there, I started grabbing and flipping through any books I could find about dragons. I probably spent hours in there until I decided to call it a day and went back to the common room. I decided to turn in early since I was exhausted.

   The next day I woke up late because my dumb alarm clock broke and since everyone's mad at me no one woke me up. I went to the great hall and sat down. As I started eating, I heard Malfoy and my name.

  "Hey PoTtaH, 5:00, sharp. Understood?"


  "Well then enjoy the rest of your day PoTtaH." Smirking he left to his own house table. I turned back to my eggs and toast, my face a beet red.

  "Oh! Warming up to Malfoy, are you?" I looked up to see Ron glaring at me.

  "So, what if I am?"

  "Why are you so talkative to him Harry?"

  "Why should I tell you."

  "Because we're your best friends!" Hermoine said exaggeratedly.

   I laughed, "yeah, friends who are mad and stopped talking to me over something I can't even explain."         

"Then tell us what happened!"

   "I DON'T KNOW!"

   "Lay off Hermoine, I bet he was teaming up with Malfoy to get his name in the cup. Seeing how close they are."

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