Chapter 8

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  The next morning, I head down to McGonagall's (Don't know how to spell her name) classroom as instructed. When I get there I find everyone in my year, even the other houses waiting around. I sit down on the bench beside Hermione and Ron and wait for McGonagall to start.

  "Okay, today we will be learning the art of dance. My job is to prepare you for the upcoming ball." McGonagall says as she enters room, "I will pair you up with people from opposite houses to promote house unity while doing this activity."

  "Oh no." I hear Ron whisper from beside me.

  "I will tell you your partners and you will spread across the room." She says.

  I zone out until I hear my name being called.

  "Potter and Malfoy."

  "Oh man I feel sorry for you." Ron says clapping me on the back.

  "I'm sure it won't be that bad." I say getting up and go over to where Draco is standing.

  We walk over to the conner of the room so that we're not in the centre of the room.

  "So PoTtAh, know how to dance?" He asks smirking at me.

  I shake my head looking down in embarrassment.

  "Don't worry, I'll lead." He says grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to his body.

  The music starts and Draco starts moving his feet to the beat, while I stumble around causing me to step on his feet a lot.

  "Merlin, you really don't know how to dance." He says, "oh well..."

  At that he pulls me even closer to him while lifting me up and placing my feet on his.

  "What are you doing?" I whisper shout at him.

  "Showing you how to dance." He says teasingly.

  He moves to the beat, and I start to get the idea of what I need to do.

  "Okay, I'm starting to get it." I tell him stepping off his feet.

  "Okay then, let's dance."

  We start to move a lot better than how we were at the start. I'm not stepping on his feet anymore.

  "Stop looking at the ground." Draco says while lifting my head up gently with his fingers.

  Our eyes meet and I can just feel everything around us drone out, all that matters right now is me and Draco. I can feel myself get lost in his stormy grey eyes. I feel myself start to lean in and-

  "Okay, class dismissed!" McGonagall says, turning off the music.

  "Don't forget tutoring tonight." Draco says while winking and sauntering off.

  "Oi Harry." I hear Ron calling me.

  "Hey Ron." I reply.

  "Let's go to the great hall I'm starving." He exclaims.

  "Okay, let's meet up with Hermione on the way." I say following him out the door.

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