Chapter 5

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I'm sitting in the champions tent waiting for Barty Crouch to come in and announce what we are doing although I already know.

  "Potter?" I hear a hushed whisper from outside the tent walls.

  "Y-yes, umm Malfoy?" I say unsure of why he is here right now.

  "Can I umm... come in Potter?"

  "Sure..." I answer still confused about why he's here.

  I see the side curtain of the tent open to reveal Malfoy. He walks closer and closer to me until we are just around a foot apart.

  "Well I-I just wanted to wish you good luck." He says while awkwardly rubbing his fingers together.

  I don't know what made me do it or what I was thinking, but I closed the gap between us, hugging him maybe a little too tight.

  "Thank you for helping me, I don't know what I would've done without you." I speak.

  "Oh u-umm d-don't mention it." He says while patting my back awkwardly, "I guess I just wanted to make up for all the bullying I put you through."

  "Well, you don't need to be sorry anymore, I forgive you." I say while pulling away, but before my arms fully leave his body, we hear a flash behind us.

  "Oh my, now this is a story. The chosen one and Draco Malfoy, a scandalous story. It would make a great title in the Daily Prophet. I can see it now, Forbidden Love, yes what an amazing story that would be." We hear Rita Skeeter say from behind us.

  "Wait, what no, you can't, we're not even... just you can't!" I exclaim.

  "Yeah, and we're not even dating! Why would you ever think that!" Draco shouts.

  I don't know why, but his words hurt me.

  "You really think I believe that." She says.

  Our bickering gets interrupted by Crouch coming into the tent saying we're about to start.

"See you after Potter." Draco says while patting my shoulder, "try not to die."

  I hear the cannon go off signalling that Cedric had finished the task and it was now my turn. I walk out the tent with as much confidence as I can muster up. Everyone is silent except for the occasional boo of the crowd. They all hate me now huh, well it's not my fault for getting stuck in this stupid tournament. I am taken out of my thought by a loud bang going off telling me it was my time to get the egg. I run into the arena and instantly summon my broom. Thankfully, with all the training Malfoy had made me do my broom was here in almost an instant. I jump on my broom trying to divert the dragon's attention away from the egg, but it just broke free from the chain that was holding it down. So now I am just trying to get away from this bloody beast.

  After I finally get the egg, everyone is cheering and yelling my name.

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