Follow up (Quinn/Noah slushied)

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This is a direct follow up to chapter 4. Rachel meets with Britt and Santana in Coach Sue's office, to talk about the three girls who ordered Quinn and Noah to be slushied.

Spoilers: None except for future chapters of Is It Worth Giving Up?
Rated T for Santana's mouth, you know how it is.

Protective!Rachel with an underlining of Protective!Santana. And Quick at the beginning if you... close both eyes, and use your imagination...

Enjoy! :)


Monday, November 22nd, 2009


*Later – Coach Sylvester's Office*

Rachel helps Quinn wipe off as much of the slushy as she can. Honestly, though, Quinn is going to need to shower, at least to get it all off, from her hair, neck, and other places that neither girl can reach with a damp paper towel in the girls' bathroom.

Noah shows up not too long after Santana leaves. And he stays while Rachel is helping Quinn. Rachel had told Santana that she wants to speak to their Coach about what happened. So, Sue said that they would wait. Mandy is in the office with Santana and Brittany, while the other three girls await their fate in the hallway outside the office.

It takes 15 minutes before Rachel makes her decision, and she walks the two down the hallway to the Cheerios's locker room.

"I will be in with your Coach, San, and Britt, okay?" Rachel tells them. "Come find me when you are finished."

Thankfully, Quinn nods, and turns to enter the locker room. Noah follows after her without saying much, and Rachel sighs deeply, letting her head fall backwards, trying to ease the stress that is eating away at her right now.

She then treks her way down to Coach Sylvester's office.

There are three girls waiting outside. She recognizes them as the three who Santana and Brittany have had the most problems with since they became Captain and Co-Captain a few weeks ago.

"What are you looking at, Berry?" The blonde one snarks at her. She is feeling particular snappy today, which is why she replies with,

"Just remember that you are going to the ones who receive punishment for this. You can snark to me all you want, but you mess with Sue Sylvester's girls, and you are going to regret it with your very being. You should know that, considering you three are "her girls", though, going by your actions today, you may not be on this Team much longer."

And with that, she knocks on the door, and is promptly let inside.

"Ah, Streisand," Sue greets as Santana shuts the door. "How is she?" It took a lot of self-control to stop herself from going after who, she thought, were 3 respectable, important members of her Cheerios.

She nearly had a come apart when Brittany walked in with blue stains on her Letterman sleeve, though she withheld it when she saw the dancer was not alone.

Now, being that Brittany has been a part of this team since eighth grade, Sue had come to know the little tells of her anxiety, or when something was eating at her. And Sue had hoped that after revealing what... he... did to them, she would not see this look on Brittany anymore – at least, for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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