I've made a mistake.

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Jonah was alone. He had left his partner alone, at that house with the alternate. THE alternate. Jonah was scared, he was cowardly. And he'd rather flee than be a hero. But being alive as a coward was better than dying foolish, right? "ADAM IS HERE. YOU LEFT HIM." screeched the radio. Jonah bit back a sob, biting onto his tongue. "Adam is HERE. YOU LEFT HIM." it yelled louder. Jonah yelled back in response, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP... SHUT THE FUCK UP!" and Jonah slammed his foot on the break, and he nearly slammed into a tree as he swerved to the side of the road, streams of tears dripped from his eyes as he sobbed uncontrollably. Jonah put his hands against his eyes and began crying more and more. He slammed his head into the steering wheel, attempting to drag himself from crying. "ADAM IS GONE." yelled the radio. Jonah stumbled out, falling to his knees as he fell on the outside of the car. Adam may be dead, and it may be his fault. If Jonah had to be honest, he didn't just think of Adam as a friend only. While the two were on the run, they got close. Very close. Jonah loved Adam, more than a friend. So, so much more. The impressive, strong, and caring Adam who always was fixated on jobs. Especially after their argument - why would Adam ever love him? All those cruel words- how would he ever even forgive him?  Surely Adam never thought about Jonah the way Jonah did. Jonah managed to choke out the words, "I-...I just- abandoned someone I LOVE. H-how..." and he slammed his fist onto the ground, sobbing and tearing up more as the radio screamed inside of the car. Jonah whipped his head up towards the sky and gave a rage filled scream, more tears dripped down his face and off his chin. He felt nothing but despair. Nothing but dread and pure terror. He lost one of the only good things in his life. Adam. And it was because of how cowardly Jonah had been. The radio laughed. "F-fuck..." yelped Jonah, staring at his hands. "FUCK YOU! I-I..." he sniffled. 'Please... forgive me, Adam. I'm so sorry.' And Jonah rose to his feet, still sobbing. Face wet with tears he started the car back up and drove back into the direction of the old house, "I-... have to be a hero. I can't be a coward anymore..." he said to himself. 


"I'm not afraid of you." said Adam calmly. The intruder on the tv smiled more, more cat meows crackled out of it. Adam sat straight in front of the tv, determined. He wasn't afraid. Because fear is what attracted the alternates to kill you. Well, unphysical alternates. It could still try and tempt him to off himself, but he wouldn't listen. Adam stared off into the distance. "Stupid fucking Jonah. That cuck. If he really valued our friendship, he wouldn't have left me like that." said Adam furiously. The tv made a small laugh. "You fear your friendship?" it asked. Adam shook his head. "No. I hate it." he snapped back. Adam was starting to cry. 'That son of a bitch left me here to die. So- maybe i'll have to get out of here myself.' he thought. "...what do you fear?" asked the TV. Adam shook his head. "Not the alternates, otherwise I wouldn't chase them." he said honestly. The TV was quiet. "Your friend left you here to die." it finally said. Adam gritted his teeth. "Good. Fuck him." he snarled, crossing his arms as he seethed furiously. Honestly, the fight impacted Adam way more than he thought it did. Adam loved the sweet, kind, and funny Jonah. Jonah was like a candle in the dark - always something to smile at and feel warm to. And Adam only acted so tough and mean, was because he always wanted to impress the other. Adam loved Jonah, he really did. Loved him with more than he had loved any of his exes. Up until now, where a huge hole had been ripped out of his heart and replaced with sorrow and misery. 'So.. I won't let it affect me. I have to survive this.' he thought. Silence weighed heavy un the air. It had been hours since Jonah's storm out, so Adam's hope was waning. He considered killing himself right here, to avoid the pain. The TV flickered. "Are you... afraid of me?" it asked, the smile dimming. Adam shook his head. "Are you afraid of... your friend... getting hurt?" it asked, faded images flecked across the screen. Adam widened his eyes, inhaling, and then straightening his face, and the TV did one long smile. "Your greatest fear." it said. Adam began rapidly shaking his head, as sweat poured from his face. "No, no. I hate him, remember?" he spoke. The TV's grin widened. Adam swallowed hard, narrowing his eyes. The TV began. "He will die. He will not come for you, as nothing is worth the risk."

but he was suddenly interrupted, by a car parking outside. And the echoing shot of a gun.

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