And why aren't you gone?

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"DIE!" screamed Jonah, as the Alternate on his car fell to the ground. It had a bullet wound in its throat, blackish blue blood streamed under it. Jonah tried to ignore his intense fear, and wiped away his tears from his face.  He ran to the entrance of the house. With tired hands, he set foot onto it and Jonah pushed open the door of the house, which was already unlocked of course. The air smelled sickly of something awful, heavy and thick. Blood. "ADAM? ADAM! PLEASE, MAN! I'm sorry for leaving you... p-please, come back." his voice cracked at the end. Jonah began frantically searching for his friend, hyperventilating. "ADAM?" he called again. No response, but the echo of his own voice. "God, no, no no no. It didn't really- take him, did it?" He said aloud. He was stalling going downstairs into the cellar. That's what he was scared of. Until he heard something cry out, filled with pain. Jonah recognized the voice. It was Adam. His Adam. "No you fucking don't, " he spat, pumping the shotgun and off to save his friend.

Downstairs, an Alternate was speaking to Adam. The bloody smell and scream cane from a long scratch on his side, going to his ribs up to his neck . "We'll kill him, and show you his corpse." it said smiling. Adam frowned, "No- t-take me instead, don't hurt him." he said. The Alternate looked taken aback. But it grabbed him by his wrist and dangled him in the air. It opened its mouth and tried to bite down onto him, but the door banged open, leaving an echo. The Alternate turned back to stare at the noise, a smile cracked across its face. "LEAVE. HIM. ALONE." Said Jonah, panting. Everyone in the room could tell he was scared, and the shadows hid his gun. So the Alternate didn't care in response, cracking its neck back towards the blue eyed boy and unhinging its mouth.  The Alternate bit down into Adam's side, sinking it's teeth in with a disgusting squelch. And then Jonah shot it in the head as it crumpled over. Jonah ran downstairs to comfort his friend. "A-Adam, no... please, please. I need you, stay with me," he said, resting Adam's head on his lap. Adam groaned in pain. "Adam! Adam, you're okay... let's get out of here," he said. He helped Adam up and put his arm on his own shoulder. Adam's eyes fluttered open. "J-Jonah. Save- save yourself." he said, coughing blood. "No, i'm not running away anymore. I made that mistake once- and never again, Adam."  said Jonah, grabbing Adam's hand and turning to face him. Jonah wrapped his hand around Adam's, trying to ignore the warm, soft mushy feeling creeping across his heart. Despite Adam's serious pain, his heart did a small jump of joy. Jonah stared at Adam, his face lightly dusted with pink blush. They were inches away from eachothers face, and the only thing they could hear was eachother's breathing. Jonah looked nervous, scared, but determined. Adam could tell he had been crying recently, and he still slightly was. Adam reached over to his face and brushed the tear off.  "J-Jonah, I-" Adam began. 

"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE." said the TV, crackling. 

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