Light in the dark. (rewrote part of this because i said so)

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Adam hesitated, staring at the static crackling screen. Jonah still had his gun resting against his back, a shotgun. "YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE." it crackled again. An Alternate peeled itself from the darkness and grabbed hold of Adam, dragging him into the shadows at lightning speed. "ADAM!" yelled Jonah, running after him. Adam was finally dropped near a stone wall, where an Alternate ripped and shredded at his bite mark, causing Adam to yell in pain. Jonah smacked the Alternate with the nose of the gun, and pointed the tip of the gun against the Alternate's forehead. "GET. AWAY. NOW." he hissed at it. The Alternate grinded their teeth angrily, and backed away. It was clearly smarter than the others.  But more cowardly. Just like Jonah.  Jonah knelt down beside Adam, wiping the blood off of his face. He propped Adam against the wall, and Adam leaned against Jonah's shoulder. Jonah's face burnt bright warm, trying to compose his breathing. "Jonah, it-it hurts... my side, it hurts." whimpered Adam. Jonah checked Adam's side, which was soaked with bright crimson blood. Jonah yelped in terror, taking off his jacket and tore the sleeve off of it, with a soft ripping sound. He lifted Adam's shirt up and wrapped the sleeve around his wound carefully. Adam winced with pain, but had his eyes closed. When he was done, Adam let out a relived breath. "Thank you," he said to Jonah. Jonah smiled, looking sideways. "Jonah,  if this is the last time we'll be alive, I need to tell you something." Spoke Adam, nervously. Adam? Nervous? This had to be important. Jonah listened intently. And Adam fumbled for his words, then gave up. "It's okay, Adam. You can say it when you're ready," said Jonah, wiping the blood off of Adam's face with his hand. Adan gave a laugh, which cut off into coughing. "Wow. I thought you'd make some kind of joke about that. Like me being quiet for once," he said with a weak smile. Jonah stared at him, staring into his ocean eyes. God, he was hot. Even in this condition. Adam reached up and kept Jonah's hand on his cheek, closing his eyes. Jonah suddenly felt extremely warm, sweating, eyes watering as he choked. "Adam, I'm so sorry for leaving you." Spat Jonah, breathing hard suddenly as tears dripped off his face.  Adam opened his eyes and frowned, "Hey, hey.. It's okay, I'm okay. You're okay, and as long as we're together, " Adam took Jonah's hands in his, pulling the other closer. They were sitting next to eachother against the wall. "We'll be okay. " spoke Adam, softly and soothingly. Jonah sobbed into Adam's shoulder,  and Adam tried to comfort him by rubbing circles into his back. "We're okay now, Jonah. If we die, then at least I'll die by your side." Yeah,  because that was totally reassuring. He had to tell Adam how he felt, now or never. Because if not now, he may never get to. Jonah lifted his face from Adam's shoulder, and inhaled shakily, tears slowing their progressiondown his face. 'Be brave, Jonah,' he thought to himself.  "Dude, I genuinely don't know if I'm just like- always high or something,  but- oh my  god, it feels so stupid saying this. " He inhaled, "I'm in love with you,  Adam. Whatever,  doesn't matter anyway since we're gonna die." Adam stared at his friend before breaking into laughter. "Jackass! I love you too." He said, pulling his friend into a hug. "Oh- that went way better than how I thought it would."


Save Yourself VOL1 ( Might private this again idk )Where stories live. Discover now