Getting braver.

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Jonah had fallen asleep against Adam's side, and miraculously, no alternates found them. Adam had a theory that the alternates disliked joy and happiness,  since they fed off of fear and despair. It made sense.  Adam looked down at Jonah resting his head on Adam's lap, and smiled. He ruffled the sleeping one's hair affectionately, his face getting slighlyred with blush. He felt mushy and warm around him, and was addicted to seeing him. He wanted thisto last forever,  and he wouldn't want anything more. But something crashed in the darkness. Adam went on high alert, shaking his 'friend' (wink wink) awake
Jonah rubbed his eyes tiredly, stretching. "Hmm? Adam?" He asked, stretching. Adam got up, still wincing from his side pain, and stared out into the darkness. Adam's and Jonah's hiding place was covered by old wardrobes and other debris that concealed the two.  Even if an alternate found them, Adam would blow the thing's head off. "Jonah," Adam began. "Should we try to escape? The intruder seems to be busy. Or asleep." He said. Jonah shrugged. "It's good, I'll check it." Spoke Adam, frowning. "W-what? No, you're hurt. I'll go, okay?" He said. Adam smiled at him, kissing him on the cheek.  "Okay... be careful, please." He said. Jonah touched where he was kissed and mad a melty, lovey smile. "O-okay... okay. I will." He said. Jonah loaded the gun, stepping out of their hideout, and into the darkness. He tried to navigate through the pitch black shadows, holding the shotgun close to himself. He tried to ignore the fear flooding through his system. The basement smelled stale and old, which it was. It made it harder to navigate. He nearly tripped over a bucket of old paint and he had to catch himself with a hiss. Jonah frowned and sighed,  finally finding a way up out of the basement.  But it felt too calm. Surely, if the alternates were lurking, it shouldn't be this easy to escape.  Jonah had an idea, backing behind an old box. He grabbed a soda can that was resting on the floor, and rolled it in front of the steps. It halted with a clank, and the shadows covering the stairs lurched outward and snatched it, followed by tearing noises.  'I knew it,' thought Jonah. It had been a trap.  And luckily, he hadn't fallen for it. Jonah looked behind his shoulder at a shut off TV. That could mean either something very good, or something very bad. Number one,  the TV man could be asleep,  or two, it could be lurking got them both. Jonah frowned at that idea - it scared him. Everything scared him. But he had to be brave. He had to be fearless.

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