The Intruder

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Note: I had to write this on phone, so apologies on the somewhat shit spelling

Adam was still nervously waiting for Jonah back at their hiding place. The seconds passed by which felt like hours, and made him worry more. A very dim, half broken and very old lamp was setting on a cargo crate next to Adam so he could see. He stared at the old, rocky floor. And he thought, trying to keep himself from straying away and thinking of him. 'How are we going to get out of here? Are there rations down here? A-and where is Jonah-' too late. He grunted in frustration, pressing the palm of his hand against the bridge of his nose. Since the confession,  and even before, months before, all he could think about was Jonah. 'At least I got to tell him. That's the only good thing.' He thought to himself.  But something caught Adam's attention. Something was shifting around in the dark. Or... someone. A vase from somewhere in the basement crashed onto the floor,  and Adam fumbled to put out the light and hide. He dove behind a stack of boxes, trying to keep calm. He couldn't be afraid. He HAD to be calm. For the good of them both. Someone's feet scraped against the floor,  as if they were trying to be quiet. It got louder. Then louder, like the figure was coming towards him. Adam covered his mouth to try and muffle his breathing. 'Please, let that be Jonah. Please- let nobody have heard that vase. And please-- Jonah- if that's not you, be careful.' He silently prayed. Adam didn't hear the footsteps anymore. So, maybe the creature went away? He gave a sigh of relief and closed his eyes, resting his head against the edge of the box. Then, Adam turned his head over his shoulder,  and holy shit, it was staring directly at him. It was a very tall man, with a pale white face and a black hoodie. It smiled at him, slowly getting closer. It moved weirdly, like its legs were frozen with stone. Adam tried to back up, but his back hit the boxes behind himself and his side sparked up with brand new pain. He hissed with frustration as his habd covered his side, eyes still on the creature. The humanoid stood directly above him, staring down Adam. Their eyes were white and black, just like an alternate's. An alternate's. 'Wait, if it's like an alternate... I can't be afraid,  and it won't have power over me?' He thought.  Adam's breathing came to a stop as he watched the creature kneel down to stare directly at him with those onyx eyes. The corners of its mouth pinned up to make a smile. Adam sucked a breath of air in sharply. "I'm not afraid of you." He said to it, his face placid. The creature seemed confused, tilting it's head. It didn't look like it wanted to hurt him. Yet. "I'm not afraid of you," Adam repeated. The creature didn't blink. It breathed silently, if at all. Adam was good at not being afraid. He had practiced it a lot. Then, the creature's smile dimmed as it spoke in a long, oily voice. "GET OUT." It said. It's voice sounded cold and gritty. Adam held his hands in front of himself.  He was half surprised that this thing could speak English,  and half baffled. "If I could, I would. But- I need my friend here first." He said. The creature narrowed its eyes. "..." they both stayed silent. If this thing attacked Adam, what could he do other than bash the lamp against the thing's head? Since Jonah took the gun, he had no self defense against something like this. Adam suddenly realized what this thing was. It looked like the monster from the police tapes. An Intruder. 'I heard it let that one kid survive. Maybe it will do the same for us?' He thought. Then, someone rapidly ran towards him. "Adam! Hey, wait- where did he go?" ...

"Adam? Ad-" Jonah stared at the Intruder pinning down Adam, and his hand reached for his gun. Adam shook his head, grimacing. The Intruder's eyes stared at Jonah as it got up and looked at them both. Then, it left. Leaving the two in silence.

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