I love you so

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The silence that remained after the Intruder vanished was heavy. Thick enough to cut with a knife. Then, Jonah dropped the gun inhand. It made a metal clank as it fell and Jonah rushed over with some scared breathing. He stood in front of Adam, and knelt down to him. He hugged the other boy, who looked terrified. He was staring into space with glossy eyes. "Adam, there's Intruders guarding the exit of the basement. What- what do we do?" he asked. Adam looked cold. He felt cold. And he was terrified. "Adam?"  he tried again. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Uh- um... I don't know. I had an idea, but you're not going to like it." he spoke. Jonah sat in front of him on his knees against the dusty floor. "Try me."

"HEY! NO! YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO THAT!" he whisper yelled at Adam. Adam said he could use himself as bait, and Jonah could make a break for it. "I'm never leaving you again, Adam. I-..." Jonah cut himself off, staring at the floor. The crack in his voice made Adam feel so guilty. Adam grimaced. "You love me, and I feel the same. But- we need to get out of here. Jonah, all i'm saying is you wouldn't want to die by my side. You think you do, you think you can... but- it's not worth starving to death down here." he said. Jonah frowned nervously. "I told you, we're not doing that," Jonah said bitterly, taking Adam's hands in his own. Adam looked sideways to the dust piles on the floor, with a grim look on his face. He thought of something. "O-okay. Let's get out, let's try to find another way out of here in the morning, okay??" he asked, setting a hand on Jonah's shoulder. Jonah gave a sigh, nodding. Adam smiled, but his face said he was going to do something he would regret. "Oh! Here," said Jonah, ruffling something out of his pockets. It was a chocolate bar.  He broke half of it off and gave it to Adam. Adam pecked him on the cheek and ate it, "Thanks." he said. Jonah grinned over to him as they settled down on the old dusty floor. Jonah had his head laying against Adam's chest, and his arms were wrapped around his chest as well. Adam stared up at the ceiling. 'It'll be for him. He won't like it, but I have to. He'll never forgive me for this,' he thought. Adam looked down at a drifting away to sleep Jonah. Adam licked his finger and brushed some of the smeared chocolate off of his mouth. Jonah shifted in his sleep with a smile, snuggling closer to his boyfriend. "...i'm sorry, Jonah." said Adam. "I hope you can forgive me, if I do end up surviving it." he whispered. Jonah mumbled something sleepily that sounded like, 'shutup,imtrynasleep...' and Adam gave a grim smile. He felt like he was going to cry - and he might. But at least it would benefit the one he loved. He fiddled with Jonah's hair before drifting to sleep with one arm behind his head and another against his 'friend' 's back. 

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