Chapter 20- The Biggest Piece of the Puzzle

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Cairo is the first to respond when I tell the others about Garen's offer.

"I think it's the best offer you are likely to get, especially if you are still convinced Alaric is the one out to kill you and Mirabel." He rationalizes.

Emilio nods in agreement, while Maso looks at me with an uncharacteristic amount of interest.

I turn to Mirabel, "It's up to you. He is your future husband. If you decide to accept his offer, I will contact Brielle right now."

She shakes her head, "What do you think he will do to us if we don't accept his offer?"

This is a question I have been thinking about all morning, "I can't say, but I doubt they would kill us. Blackmail us maybe, but I don't think Garen has it in him to be a murderer. Which only makes his candor more impressive."

"So you think we should join him." Cairo says.

We are eating an early lunch under a lone tree by a small creek running between the rocky earth. Garen tactfully steered his guards and Branon away from us to allow us to come to a decision. They have all gone off to practice swordplay, and the ringing of their steel will cover up out words if the distance won't. I look across the small expanse of water, and I can just barely see their small bodies, and the occasional glint of metal in the noonday sun.

"I do. We knew from the start Alaric was too power hungry to be trusted. With the combined forces of Garen's rebels, the Gricadan resistance and the Torranian army we stand a good chance of winning, or at least force him to abandon his conquest of Torrain." I answer.

"How do you even know he has plans to conquer Torrain?" Mirabel asks.

Cairo answers her, "What else would he need all of those soldiers for?"

"Besides," Emilio says gently, "Men like that do not stop. They have an insatiable appetite for power that can only be eradicated with force."

"How do you know he has the support of the Gricadan resistance?"

We all turn to look at Maso, who has spoken for the first time... Ever? I certainly have never heard him before.

"He doesn't have it. Yet. But the resistance will benefit from this alliance in the same ways we will. It would be foolish of them to pass up this opportunity." I reason.

"Then it sounds like we know what we should do." Mirabel declares.

We all nod in agreement.

"I will contact Brielle now," I say, just as I slip into the Correspondence.

Adelina, I'm afraid we have very little to tell you about your nameless assassin. Brielle answers almost immediately.

I am sorry to hear that, but that is not what I need to speak with you about.

Brielle turns uneasy, Then what do you wish to speak about?

Mirabel and I, and all of Torrain, have received an offer from prince Garen. I begin, He and many of his fellow countrymen have an organized force set to overthrown Alaric. He has offered us a true alliance. Mirabel and I have come to an agreement on this matter. We want to know if we will have Torrain's full support.

There is silence for a long while. When Brielle finally answers, he has much more authority in his voice.

I have conferred with the Queen on this matter. She says we will support your judgement, but we cannot send the full force of the Torranian army. It will leave us too unprotected. We will send you what forces we can spare when you give the word.

Knife of Rebellion: Battles of Eyenwar, Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now