Chapter 5- Branon Erikson

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The next morning the entire party, six Skevetic guards, six Torranian guards and two slightly disgruntled members of royalty, left the inn. We rode at a fast pace, presumably because it would take us over a week just to cross the former country of Idrigal. Apparently from there it was only two or three days to the Skevetic capital, Cantabrar.

We ride for several days at this breakneck pace, stopping at a well known inn as many nights as we can manage. On the one night that we did not find a building to stay in, the Torranian guards produced a tent for Mirabel and I to share for the night.

On the fifth day, Mirabel had charmed her way into the hearts of the Skevetic soldiers. That was the thing about Mirabel, she was the most likable person in the world if she wasn't talking to me.

Well into the second week, I finally began to see the forest fade. Every once is a while, a busy little town would appear out of nowhere and then be swallowed by the trees again as we rode on. Mirabel and I are riding close together in the center of two groups of guards. We are unused to being protected so vigorously, but while I detest the attention, Mirabel seems to revel in it. Her spirits pick up the further and further away from Torrain we go. It is like our emotions are a balanced scale, while she is happy I can only be miserable, and while she is miserable I am the happiest girl in the world.

I sensed the arrow only seconds before it came flying out of the trees overhead, a deceivingly musical twang followed by a deadly breath of air as I dove from my horse and into the side of my cousin, knocking us both to the ground. Before I could rise, the small party of guards had circled around us, shielding their charge. Another arrow came whizzing out of the trees, followed by yet another.

"There's only one of them." Said the captain, his voice strong and assured. His calm seeped into my bones and shocked me back into my senses. Now that he had pointed it out, it became obvious to me that the arrows were coming only from one direction. The palace guards had formed a circle around us, shielding their charge from all directions. I shook out my shock and stood. The first arrow was lodged in the dirt a few foot spans away from where my head had lain moments before. Shivering, I realized that if I had been a second later the arrow would have buried itself into the back of my cousin. Her safety was my responsibility, and as distasteful as I found my current task, failure was more distasteful by far.

"I think he has slipped out of the trees." Came the soft comment of a soldier. The whole party had been waiting for several minutes for another arrow, and none had come.

"I have to agree soldier." I answered, hiding the shaking anger I felt with the calm, flowing voice taught to me by the Yuvana. "His trespass cannot be tolerated. From what I understand, this is treason. Yes?" The question flew out of my mouth in the lilted accent of my clan.

The Captain, his name is Gables I believe, nods slowly. I wait for a moment, unsure if I should continue. However, hesitation is young, and youth is weakness. I cannot afford to be weak, so I press on.

"If I were to find the man and bring him back, am I assured that he will be punished properly for this grievance against our princess? I am sure you would allow it, to keep the peace between our people." I place a light yet unmistakable emphasis on the word 'peace'.

I do not know how he will respond to my veiled threat, and I stand surrounded by soldiers of a foreign people, waiting for the impassive Captain to decide. Slowly, after an eternity, his gives his verdict.

"Under normal circumstances, I would never allow a young woman into the woods to hunt an assassin, however I am aware of your people's skills and my men would appreciate the help." After this he stopped addressing me and turned to a young man, covered in the same decoration, yet clearly of a lower rank than the others. He held his head low, never quite making eye contact with his companions. I had noticed him before, his young, smooth face often looked at me in curiosity, and at my cousin with longing.

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