Fateful Morning

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     After they are bandaged up, Slayer gives the supplies to the other three. Later an hour after the fight, food is cooking on the stove and they are sitting down around the fireplace in complete awkward silence. Abbey, Aj, and Michael stare at the 6 of them, and the 6 who aren't cooking, glare from one person to the other. When finally the food is finished, they start to eat around the large table in complete silence. After a few more minutes pass, Slayer breaks the silence,
   "Was it just me, or is this not what you were expecting when the message said "camping"? It does suck not having service, rather odd not going to lie." He started taking another bite of his food, the other's nod slowly glaring at each other still. He sighs,
   "Look, can we just get along? Please, it's only going to be like this for one week." He looks at them all, "Shadow, Kai, guys? Please?". Shadow sighs, and stopped picking at her food, actually taking a bite.
   "Fine, I guess. So what now? We just go along like nothing happened and completely ignore this guy" she said, anger raising in her voice. Pointing at Michael, "Did not drag me, hitting my head against the wood wall. And that she," pointing at Abbey, "didn't bite Crow in the arm??" AJ stands up from the table,
   "You're friends here kicked me hard between my legs!!" He said angrily, pointing at Shock, who has also stood up glaring at them, all of them are now standing up watching each other.
   "Guys please stop!" Kai demanded. "Besides, hurry up and eat before the food gets cold. And before we fall unconscious from exhaustion." She added, they look at each other sitting back down, eating, still eyeing one another.
   "No, that's not what I mean." Slayer confirmed, "I just don't want us fighting everyday, this is supposed to be our vacation, not a fighting arena." They all sigh nodding slowly. After they finish eating they all clean their dishes, and head to the rooms getting ready for bed.
     That night passed quickly, no one chatted and everyone was tired. Waking up the next morning, Shadow's busy making breakfast and some people are outside. Suddenly a shrill scream rings out from upstairs, Oscar, Ezra, and Shock who were in the room awake rush to see what was the matter. Kai, And Crow were outside. While Ash and Slayer were still asleep in the room. When the 3 of them reach the room they see Abbey crying, looking at a dead body on the floor of one of the upstairs bathrooms. It belonged to Michael. He had bite marks, like what Crow got from Abbey the night before. And similar injuries that Shock had gotten from AJ.
   "Oh fuck, that's gross." Oscar muttered looking at Michael's body...
   "Those look like what I have." Shock said surprised
   "Wait, Abbey, did you seriously kill Michael with Aj?? Those are the exact injuries Shock and Crow got from you!!" Ezra exclaimed, backing up from Abbey. Oscar and Shock join them, staring at Abbey and Aj as he walks in looking at what's going on...

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