Chapter 27: Max's Decision

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Next thing I know my body is being jolted awake. I take a quick inhale of breath trying to get my breathing under control, but I felt a sharp pain on my side making me hold my breath until I exhaled. That's when I felt the relife. The heavy feeling had left my chest. I felt free from my demons.

My ears were rushed with the sound of my beating heart which drowned out the sound of the applause from around the room. I finally calmed enough to hear the cheers all around me. I turn to look at Four who looked proud.

"You did it. Good job." Four congratulated.

Max then approached us with a wide grin stretched across his face.

"Amazing!" He breathed out. "That is the best score I have ever seen here; in all my time in dauntless. You were born to be dauntless."

"Thank you!" I was delighted by the compliment.

I shake Maxs hand as he welcomes me to the faction. "I'm happy to be the first to officially welcome you to dauntless."

I sigh in relief. I'm finally dauntless.

"I also wish to speak with you a little later. I will come find you. Have a good rest of your night." Max bid me farewell.

As I looked past Max's retreating figure I could see Eric just watching from his spot. I turned to Four with a grin only to see his hesitant face watching Max before turning to me with a wiry smile.

"Everything ok?" I questioned.

He hesitated before he opened his mouth. "Yeah. fine." He assured me, "I'll see you at the party."

"Ok." I gave a small wave goodbye.

As I exited out the door I was greeted by a group of anxiously waiting people.

"So?" Pax questioned.

"I've broken dauntless best score." I happily explain.

"Were dauntless! Whoo!" Zeke hollered.

Everyone started cheering and were now in the party mood.

"Let's go party!" Zeke started leading everyone to the Pit.

As we got closer to the pit we could hear the loud music playing and the crowds that were there, but once we entered the pit I was mesmerized. More than half the faction was here; already in a full blown party.

We made our way to the drinks and started our first night a dauntless. After a couple shots we settled with a beer.

"Remember the last time we drank together?" I ask Pax.

"Yeah! That was a great night. Until you got caught by Eric." He laughed.

"I still blame you." I grumbled trying to keep my face straight, but ended up smiling.

"Just don't let Eric cach you." He joked.

"I'll make sure to blame it on you." I say back laughing.

We continued to drink and chat until Zeke ran up to us screaming about new tattoos and how we need to get some. We were dragged through the crowds to the tattoo parlor. It was just as loud and bussy inside as it was outside. Everyone was here getting new tattoos and piercings; this could take awhile.

As I start looking around I feel an arm fling around my shoulders.

"Hey Doll. looking for some new ink?" Kai asked.

I smiled up at him. "I was thinking more piercing, but if I see something it might change."

"How about both." He offers.

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