Chapter 40: New Friends

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I was nice and toasty riding in the cabin of the truck with a couple other people. It was quiet as we made our way closer to the amity borders. I started feeling bad for leaving the rest of the group outside to freeze in the early morning frost, but I was just so warm that I didn't want to get out of the truck. Now I see why I didn't see Eric on patrol much.

It took about an hour but we finally made our way to the edge of the territory. We had to make sure we stayed outside their borders because Amity doesn't allow dauntless on their land unless it was necessary. We started following the outskirts of the land until we got to the train tracks from there we will follow them up to the city.

I was content sitting in the warm cabin when I noticed the team become alert of their surroundings. I rolled down the window only to be hit with the cold winter air; my face flushed red trying to keep its warmth.

"What's going on?" I called out.

"There was rustling coming from the forest over there, probably nothing, but an animal. We are just checking it out just to be safe."

I hopped out of the truck and called a few of the team members over.

I signaled them to follow me as we slowly walked into the forest. It was silent as we walked through the brush you could hear nothing but the morning wing rustling the trees and the truck running in the distance. After a few minutes we didn't find anything; probably just an animal. We all started to head back to the group, but I fell behind Watching as the men exited the woods. That's when I hear something. I froze quickly assessing my surroundings for something abnormal, then I heard it again.

My head snapped in the direction the noise came from. I slowly approached the bush. It almost sounded like a...


I peer down at a hole in the tree only to find a small fluffy black kitten. It was so tiny and it looked like it was shivering from the cold. My little amity hart always had a soft spot for animals and I can't just leave it here to die. I quickly picked it up and it instantly began purring, melting my heart.


I quickly stuffed the kitten into my oversized pocket and hurried back to the group.

"What happened? Did you find something?" An older portal guard questioned.

"I thought I heard something, but it just ended up being an animal; nothing to worry about." I pitted him on the shoulder. "Let's get a move on everybody." They all nodded and got back in formation.I reclaimed my spot back in the truck now trying to keep my new friend warm.

"Where did you go?" an older portal guard asked.

"I thought I heard something, but it was just an animal nothing to be worried about. Let's move on." Everyone nodded and continued on their way. I reclaimed my spot back in the truck now trying to keep my new friend warm.

Luckily the kitten stayed silent enough that the driver didn't notice the new addition to our group until half way through our day.


"What was that ?" The driver asked.

"What was what?" I tried to play dumb

"It sounded like a ..."


"That! It sounded like a cat."

He now stops the truck trying to figure out where he was hearing a cat and as I was about to say maybe he's hearing things the little snitch made the loudest meow you ever heard.

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