Chapter 1

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"It was a rainy night," my mother always began when she was telling this story, "all the wolf's where gathered just outside of the den waiting for you pip-squeaks to come out. Then it happend just like that and all six of you poped out. Me and you're father were planing all you'r names, and that is how you all began."

Like my mom said there was six of us. Me, Sky, My two brothers Lightning and Spike. Then my three sisters Rose, Thorn, and Fuzz. I got my nane from my beautiful light blue eyes. Unfortunately ,I, of all of them was the runt. Smallest most and easiest to die.

I had three uncles on my moms side of the family. Now I have two. A grizzly took his life because he was trying to protect his own kids and died. My dads side we don't hear from. All I know is my dad is the Alfa of this pack, and he leads well. People say his family was attacked by another pack and he was the only one who survived. I dont believe them. I know I'll find my dad's family someday.

My brothers, sisters, and I are all one week and a day old. Its time to learn to swim. Our teacher's name is Sandy, she's a pale color witch gave her her name. She's a great teacher, but only the "great" as in doesn't get on to you often for playing not listening. Not as in doesn't care what you do kind of thing.

"Ok everyone" Sandy yelled over the rushing water, "today we will learn to swim. First you must be comfortable with the doggie paddle."

Our camp lies in the forest. The humans call it the Evergreen Leaf forest. There is lots of food to eat including mice, rabbits, and deer. There is a big river near the den to get water. This is why our pack has to swim to get to the other side.

"Now sit and put you're paws up in the air the act like your pushing dirt and that is how you dog paddle." Sandy's voice was shakey as if she were afraid of something." Pups i'll be right back do not go any were and what ever you do, do not go into the water." Then she dashed off and left us with that.

"Bet you're to scared to go in for a swim."Lightning said with a big sneeze afterwards.

"Well I bet Sky won't even go in the water." Said Rose with a little sas to it.

"Scaredy cat scaredy cat scaredy cat," everyone started chanting.

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