Chapter 10

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"We dont have to go anywhere with you mouse brains, get out of our fur then we'll drive you from our territory." Lightning snarled. He tried wiggling from the other wolfs grip. It sent blood trickling from his neck but got away. The wolf jumped and barely missed Lightning as he rolled to the other side of his attacker. He was in reach for Sky to bite his hind leg so she did and kept it firm in her jaws.

Lightning spun around and slashed his claws at the wolf's muzzle. He yelped in pain Sky let him go and he ran back the way he came. Well that's one less dog to take care of. Dandy bit her tail, Sky let out a whimper, then the teeth were released. Sky tried turning around but couldn't from the other dogs weight on top of her. She could here barking and jaws snapping together behind her, she knew Lightning had gotten her off of her tail.

From the fighting the invading pack of dogs were pushing them farther into thier camp teeth bared in visioce snarles. Soon the mothers and thier pups, along with the elders, would have to move the stay clear of the fight. Her nose filled with the scent of blood and every bit of prey ran with fear from all the noise and paws hitting the ground. Lightning had reared up on his hind legs. Dandy met the challenge on her own hide legs and in without a heartbeat longer they were clashing at each other then rolling on the ground in a ball of snarls and yelps.

Sky got the wind nocked out of her a small black body flew itself at her, to small to be a dog, it flung itself under her sweeping her off her paws unbalanced, then took the opportunity to nock her off her paws. She felt claws rake her flanks, sharp as thorn. Without hesitation she heaved herself up from the ground and bit the animal on the tail. It howled in pain, then hissed as it flew fiercer attacks. It was always moving fast, to fast to see.

"Retreat!" Sky heard the howl from Alpha somewhere far off below her. The black creature ran towards the voice while Dandy and the other wolf grabbed mine and Lightnings scruff just out of reach of our claws and hauled us to where the voice had come from. "Hel....." Lightnings cry was cut off by a whimper of pain as another brown-reddish wolf joined, and bit his flank. Blood was running from it and he was limping heavily.

"Keep quiet NOW. I dont want to hear a word from you till were out of here and back at camp." He said in a low growl. I was sure no one would notice we were gone until Alpha assigned everyone a job and relised we weren't there. The wolfs took us the long way back to thuer camp. Getting us out of our territory before anyone noticed we were missing. When the fight started the sun was high in the sky and the birds sang wonderful songs. Now the unusuall silenced loomed around us, the birds and critters all scared of the snarling, yelping, and growling.

By the time we were in the other packs territory the sky was pink and orange, the sun setting always seemed magical to me. Too bad I couldn't enjoy it because it was in the jaws of an unknown wolf. Lightning and I stopped fighting to save our energy. We walked on unhappily now. Three more wolfs and a dog i've never seen before were waiting for us. One lay out in the shade while the other two sat. The dog was sitting down. He was funny looking his ears stuck strait up like ours but his tail was more scraggly looking and he had dark brown eyes. He had a dark brown coat while the outline of his face was a golden color and his muzzel went back to the dark brown. The golden fur went all the way down his belly and the back side of all four legs. My heart skipped a beat looking at him. His lips pulled back almost in a smile, sort of way, to reveal long sharp teeth but not as long as Alphas. His mussles rippled under his fur as he got up. I could feel his gaze on me, but I quickly looked away from him.

"Alpha wanted them to his den as soon as they were brought here." He said in a deep command that made the dogs behind him stand up too. They all flanked us and the dog made sure to stand right next to me his eyes flashed to mine then to the landscape ahead of us. Dandie finally let go of my scruff because of the other wolfs circling us. I let out a sigh of relief and I shook my head and my mussles relaxed slightly. After I did that the dog stepped closer to me then closer again until his fur brushed mine. My first instint was to snap at him just so he moved a little away from me. As i did just that he seemed to sense my move and sidesteped so i fell face first into the dirt. He laughed, dark and scary then pulled me up and stared i to my eyes. I couldn't pull away from the handsome yet strange face until Dandie bit my leg and I yelped with pain.

"Get moving!" She growled, the dog gave her a fierce glare then sniffed my leg. My brother growled under his breath but the dog didnt flinch. He only pulled back when he was satisfied there was no blood and I didnt limp too bad. That was wierd.

Sorry for people who read the first 9 chapters a long time ago and i didmt upload chsoter 10. Ive been busy getting braces and going to dances and getting caught up with friends so i finally took time to updateand will soon update again but i have to get a new phone and i dont know if the update will come as soon as i hope. Keep reading because i will update eventually.

Thanks to all my readers make sure to share this story with friends and people ;).

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