Chapter 1

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???: EVERYONE ONTO THE SHUTTLE NOW!!..hey!..i don't care where you come from but you're apart of the citadel..apart of its people and apart of my duty so please follow my instructions...keeper?..please?

As buildings burned and it's streets, the young man wanted everyone under his watch to be saved including the most stubborn species.

As buildings burned and it's streets, the young man wanted everyone under his watch to be saved including the most stubborn species

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It glanced his direction..aware of his presence before combustion by rocket that sent the man flying off the rails and down a few lower levels of the citadel.

???: ugh!!.

He looked around as fire fighting fire was everywhere he looked..he shook his head and wiping off any dirt and rubble.

???: this is Officer Y/n!..I'm in the Zakera ward!..Anyone on this frequency?!

Nothing but static blew through his ear..tossing it down he kneeled to another dead C-sec officer.

Y/n: I'm sorry Darrin...

He crossed his fallen brother in blues arms in his lap before taking tags.

Y/n: this is officer Y/n, I'm located on Zakera ward, Anyone respond!

???: This is officer Venari! I'm pinned down with Ambassador udina in his office..we're in desperate need of firepower here!

Y/n: That's all the way in the presidium!..I'll see what i can do!

Running through the streets..pass running civilian.

Y/n: Get to the shuttles!...hey!..hey get to the damn-

???: get off me damn-..Y/n?

Y/n: Tali?..what the hell are you doing back here weren't you waiting for the shadow broker?

Tali: I'll tell you about it later, right now we need to get these people out of here.

Y/n: when did you become a tough ass.

He readies his weapon alongside an unusual companion who he accidentally assisted once before.

Y/n: I have to get to Presidium ward.

Tali: No chance The geth are all over that sector Y/n.

Y/n: Ambassidor Udina is there along with another C-sec officer...i could give two shits about that asshole bit my brothers in blue need me.

Before long he was being fired at..tackling tali down and taking the fall, he hid the two of them behind the railings.

Tali: thanks.

Y/n: it's either me or your suit..and i can take a few scratches.

Inhaling and exhaling rapidly he tensed up and heightened his senses escaping from cover he looked about..across the river were the cause to his a matter of moments he unloaded his rifle at them with precision...his armor providing its services by taking every hit..each round ricochet off like nothing.

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