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There's something about Yang Jeongin that demanded attention.

Something about the way his doe eyes lit up when he smiled can make anyone bend over backwards to make sure his lips never tugged downwards. Something about how his nose crinkled when he laughed made the sound all the more heavenly. Something about how the apples of his cheeks turned a pretty shade of red made anyone's heart melt at the colour. Something about the way he looked when he got what he wanted, how he'd let out a small squeal of delight as he bounced in place at the confirmation that he, once again and inevitably, got his way, made anyone want to spoil the man to an inch of his life.

Chan never thought he was just anyone, but Yang Jeongin surely made him think otherwise.

Because that's what he did. For monthsㅡ maybe even a yearㅡ he bent over backwards to make sure Jeongin kept a pretty little smile on his face, heard every single giggle that Jeongin let out and felt his heart swell at the fact that he got Jeongin to make that sound. He overexerted himself, showered Jeongin in accolades and treasures that made the younger blush the perfect shade of pink. He spoiled Jeongin rotten, tearing the world apart and putting it back up so that it centered on him and him alone, like how it should be. He served and spoiled and loved Jeongin to an inch of his life.

He asked for all the time and attention that Chan could offer to him, spent hours out on the older's luxurious penthouse apartment balcony and indulged in expensive wines and traipsed around the city in the finest jewels that money could buy. He flew to Japan when he wanted sushi, China when he wanted hotpot, Hawaii when he wanted to go to the beachㅡ he knew that with Chan, one word and he would have it; and he exploited that privilege to his heart's desire.

In return, Chan drowned in Jeongin's voice, in his eyes, in his touch, held the precious doll close to him day in and day out. He lived off of the fact that he had someone as coveted as Jeongin in his possession, only for him to decorate with ornaments like gold necklaces and diamond rings and dress up in the most expensive silks. He was the one that hurt anyone who so much as looked at Jeongin the wrong way.

He wanted to be surprised, but then again, being wrapped around Jeongin's finger had been the most natural thing to happen to him. He had been reeled in from the first day, if the fact that Jeongin was still alive and breathing was anything to go by. Jeongin had him on a leash; a leash that Chan fastened around his neck himself before he handed it to Jeongin to let the man do whatever he pleased with him.

If he was asked if he regretted that he so easily let Jeongin barge into his life before making himself the center of it, he wouldn't hesitate to say that he didn't.

He didn't regret being played by Yang Jeongin, not one bit. He'd do it again. Over and over and over again until Jeongin was tired of playing games; and even then, Chan would patiently wait until Jeongin was ready to play again.

He wasn't even overly shocked at the betrayal. He's known from the first time he saw those baby browns that they would be his demise. But Chan was blinded by the light Jeongin shone with, a light that Chan lit himself, and was left unguarded and at Jeongin's mercy; exactly where Jeongin wanted him— exactly where Chan wanted to be.

After months of being at Jeongin's every beck and call, days without him were painful; they were torturous, in every sense of the word. Breathing without Jeongin was pure agony.

His father did say that Chan was one for over-dramatics; he just didn't know how true those words were until recently.

If there was anything Chan regretted, it wasn't the fact that he let himself drown into Jeongin too deepㅡ too deep that he was willing to spend the better part of his life locked up plainly because it was Jeongin who was able to put him behind bars. What Chan regretted was not spoiling Jeongin more despite practically already giving him the world. Chan gave Jeongin the world when Jeongin deserved the galaxy, and Chan resented himself for not being able to serve Jeongin the stars and planets and everything in between on a silver platter.

Maybe he had gone crazy. In all his life surrounded by drugs and guns and anger, Jeongin was the one that got him to tap out. He was the drug that Chan will permanently be inebriated in.


a little disclaimer that this has been sitting in my drafts for over a year now hehe and was originally a one-shot ((which i've also now published on my ao3 account !!)) but i got the impulse to make it into a full-length story but also don't have the heart to re-format so that it matches with my other stories on this account, sooo it's going to be different from my usual stories on here ((and maybe a little more spicy?? if you're up for that?? hehe ≧ω≦)) hence the labels of phase zero, one, and two ((i think there will be a three, too?? i'm not too sure yet, let's see hihi)) so that it won't be too confusing (=^エ^=) bUt if you do decide to check out the ao3 version, then you're more than welcome to! and of course, thank you so so much for reading!! i hope you end up liking this story <33

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