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When Jeongin and Chan get back from Jeju, the younger thought that he'd be snuggled up at home and curled up against Chan in the confines of their home, but to his surprise, Chan brings him to Felix and Changbin's apartment, where the couple is waiting for them in the lobby.

"Hi, Jeongin." Felix greets him brightly. Chan can't do anything when Felix glomps Jeongin because the younger is already returning the hug happily. "Did you have fun on your trip?"

Chan lets the two of them talk, Felix discreetly taking Jeongin's bag from him so that he can transfer it to Changbin. Jeongin insisted on carrying the paper bag with the boxes of mandarin chocolates that had caught Jeongin's eye before they left for the airport earlier in the morning. Changbin is giving Chan a pointed look and all Chan can do is raise a brow in return.

Changbin had texted Chan this morning whilst Jeongin and Chan were lounging in the pool. Chan was sitting by the ledge, shades tucked in his hair and his feet dipped in the pool, whilst Jeongin sat on a floatie and had an iced coffee in his hands, sipping it lazily as he waded across the pool. It was a public pool but Chan had pulled some strings to reserve it for only the two of them.

Changbin told Chan about how his father had caught wind of Chan's out-of-town food trip. Chan never realized his father was keeping so many tabs on him until Jeongin had started re-arranging Chan's schedule and whilst he appreciates the fact that the younger had unknowingly brought that into light, he's royally furious at the breach of privacy. His control freak of a father can't let him live in peace for even a day.

"How mad is he?" he asks his friend. Changbin now has the bag with the chocolates but it doesn't seem like Jeongin had noticed yet.

Changbin shrugs as if there aren't a dozen or so innocent lives on the line. "Pretty pissed. Petty, too, so I can imagine that you can be angrier."

His father is pissed about Jeongin so of course Chan can be angrier than he is. If he so much as threatens the younger then Chan wouldn't hold back at all.

Chan sighs through his nose and then turns to Jeongin. He kisses his jaw apologetically. "Doll, I need you to stay with Felix for a while, okay? Changbin and I have something to do for a little while but I'll come pick you up after."

"I can't come?" Jeongin asks. Even in his distracted state, he can recognize how tense Chan is. He wonders how dangerous this thing is. It sounds urgent with the way Chan is gripping his waist like someone was going to take him away.

Chan shakes his head and it somehow looks like it pains him to say no to the younger. "I'm sorry, baby, but I'd rather you stay here with Felix."

Jeongin doesn't argue even if he doesn't want to be apart from Chan at the moment. "Okay. I'll behave."

Chan pecks him sweetly. "I know you will."

"I'll take good care of him." Felix says, a slight tenseness in his own voice but he's doing a great job of masking it with enthusiasm. He tugs Jeongin to his side before Chan changes his mind and decides to not meet his father today. "We'll stay in the apartment all day, won't open the door to anyone. Changbin has a key." Jeongin doesn't know why the protocol for staying over at their apartment for a couple of hours seems a bit over the top but Chan had always been a bit over the top when it comes to him. "No one is coming near him without going through me first."

With a final nod, Chan and Changbin leave. Felix leads Jeongin to the elevator and pushes him inside, mumbling about how he had a batch of brownies baking in the oven and he's worried they'll burn if they stayed out of the apartment any longer. At the mention of brownies, Jeongin perks up.

"You bake?"

Felix laughs at Jeongin's demeanor. He nods as the elevator starts to take them up to their floor. "I do. But you'll have to wait for a bit since the brownies have to cool before you can eat them. If you get your pretty little tongue burned then Chan will commit arson on this very building."

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