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"What are we doing here again?" Hyunjin asks Felix as he slides a card through the glass display counter and to the shop's attendant. The woman scans her eyes through the card's details before smiling brightly at the pair and going to retrieve the boxes.

Felix had caught him roaming the main base and asked him to run an errand with him. He didn't have anything to do today so he thought it would be nice to get out of head quarters but now that they're inside a jewelry cleaning and restoration shop, he thinks he should have asked what they were going to be doing.

"Changbin had some of Jeongin's jewelry restored yesterday and we're picking it up." Felix answers as he looks down at the glass display case in front of them. He tilts his head when a silver watch catches his eye. The hands on the clock are a lovely onyx-black and its numbers are substituted by simple onyx studs.

Felix isn't surprised when Hyunjin snorts. He can understand why Hyunjin is so hostile with Jeongin but that doesn't stop him from saying, "He's not all bad, you know." he tears his eyes away from the watch just in time to see Hyunjin roll his eyes. "A little bratty, sure, but he's not all bad."

"And before you argue with what he did with Chan and his father," Felix interjects before Hyunjin can even think of opening his mouth. "we're only getting to the exciting part."

"Things have been plenty exciting this past two months, thank you very much." Hyunjin intones.

He knows he and Jisung are not the only ones that are still apprehensive of Jeongin. Though they stay loyal to their organization and do what they can to control their Associates and Mades, they still hold their animosity towards their current Don. As the days pass by, Jeongin demonstrates even more thoroughly exactly how ruthless and authoritative he can be; no longer the fragile, vulnerable doll that Chan kept on his lap.

Knowing that Felix is still running errands for him, though, and most likely Changbin and Minho as well, it's a tinge of relief that Jeongin hadn't turned a complete one-eighty.

The woman comes back carrying three large red velvet boxes. "I can assure you that these diamonds have been handled with the utmost care." she lays them next to each other in front of the two Capos and opens them one-by-one for them to inspect the assortment of accessories housed inside of the velvet cushions. "Are they to your satisfaction?"

"Yes, they are." Felix says. "Pleasure doing business with you, ma'am."

"Oh, please." the woman titters, clearly excited at seeing so many of the expensive and precious diamonds all at once. "the pleasure was our's."

Hyunjin reaches out to touch a pair of blue topaz studded earrings but Felix swats his hand away before he could. "No touching his treasures."

"I'm not going to steal from him." Hyunjin scoffs. "He may be a little shit but I won't put my life on the line by stealing from him." he lets out a small exhale, barely a sigh, the traces of his resignment infused in his tone. "He's still the Don, after all."

Felix eyes every single accessory laid out in the three velvet boxes in front of him. He can recognize some of them, the ones that Jeongin wears out on a regular day; and there are some he only vaguely remembers, the ones Jeongin wear when they have an occasion to celebrate or something of the sort; and then there are the ones that Felix doesn't remember at all, but that doesn't erase the fact that, "Every single one of these, Chan had given to him. SInce Chan is away right now, Jeongin is particularly protective over his collection."

"This one is one of his favourites." Felix points to a platinum cluster open ring with serendibite gems decorating it. "He wears it around often, you might recognize it."

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