Time capsule, Isabella.

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Ten years had passed and now you're walking down the road that you have walked down a millionth times in the past.

Today is the day of the reunion, you didn't know why you felt so giddy and excited to see what you have left inside the capsule for yourself.

It's been a couple years that's why you couldn't remember the contents of the letters anymore but you know that it held your sincerest thoughts and feelings from your younger self.

The nostalgia had hit you as you walked through the familia corridor of the Encanto high school. A lot has changed in the place where so many happy, annoying and sad memories have been created.

Some of the former students talked to their friends who hasn't seen each other for months or years. The sight made a smile crawl to your face and you couldn't help but admire the group of friends crowding in the hallway.

You whisked away from them, your feet dragging you towards the back of the building where all the capsule had been buried ten years ago.

"(Name)?" A former classmate of yours called out once you stepped closer to them, "(Full name)?" They asked once again and you nodded your head to answer the question.

"Oh my god! It's been sooo long! How are you?!" The person gasped and walked towards you with their arms spread wide them they engulfed you in a tight hug.

"Better than ever." You mused, "Got myself a girlfriend." You coyly respond with a cheesy grin plastered on your face which made your classmate astonish upon hearing your statement.

"Girlfriend? I never thought that you swing that way." The person jokingly said but accepted you for who you are.

"Hey guys! It's time to open the capsule!" One of your former classmates had called the others to gather around. The person in front of you offered you smile and pulled you along with them, eager to find out what they had left behind ten years ago.

"Who the fuck would leave their future self a tennis ball?" One of them asked which made you cackle in amusement.

"(Name)! Letters for you~!" The guy who's giving out valuable items handed out the envelopes towards you and you gladly took it from his grasp.

You stepped away from the group and settled yourself on the corner, away from your former classmates before opening the letter.

Dear future me,

Time has passed by rather quickly, don't you think so? I'm curious about what I look like right now. Is my hair short? Or did I let it go longer? Did I dye my hair or not? Did I became taller or did I become shorter? (If that's possible)

I'm so curious but I don't want to know about that right now. I just want to pour out my unsaid feelings for someone important to this letter because it's becoming too much for me to handle.

I love her so much to the point every time I see her, I don't know if I can breathe in the same space as her. She's just so beautiful and too perfect for me to be close with so I could only admire her from afar. I don't want to come out as a creepy stalker so I talk to her from time to time.

I love her so much to the point I can't contain my feelings for her. Every time that we'll be alone, I would find myself yearning to bask within her presence. I would find myself staring at her lips longingly, they just look so inviting for my eyes.

I have it rough, right?

If you still love her until now then please, can you gather enough courage to tell her how much you love her?

She deserve everything, future self.
You also do so don't cower away anymore.
I wish you the best of luck.

Past me,

You laughed quietly to yourself as you read the letter inside your mind, your eyes scanned the whole paper to read every words that you wrote for yourself.

You couldn't help but find yourself funny, the cheesy line that you have left to describe the beautiful girl in your letter made the butterflies in your stomach to flutter widely.

"Mi vida!" The familiar loving voice of your lover caught your attention so you flickered your gaze to look at your lover's beautiful and graceful appearance.

"I'm so sorry I arrived so late, the client was taking so long to choose a bouquet!" Her lips were left agape as she gasped for air, hand clutching your arm as a support to balance herself.

You could only take her hand with your free hand and held it gingerly, you left a kiss on her knuckles which made her stuttering mess with her face going slightly red and her eyes widening at the sudden act of affection.

"It's fine, Isabella." You murmured against her skin which sent a tingling sensation up in her spine, "I would wait for you anywhere and anytime, mi reina."

Isabella rolled her eyes at your cheesy statement but the smile on her face made you happy nonetheless.

You don't have to worry, past me. I have won the heart of the person I have love for the past fourteen years and now, I'm about to ask her parents for their permission if I can marry her. You thought to yourself.

"I love you so much, Isabella." You mused, a loving and adoring glint in your eyes as you said those words.

"I love you more, mi reina." She said the words back without missing a beat, a smile creeping into her face which made your heart swell with happiness.

You were so glad that Isabella approached you after two years of the graduation. She made the first move on you, she didn't hesitate to show you and let you know what she was feeling.

So now, the two of you are happily dating.
Spending time together and enjoying every seconds that passed by with each other.

You didn't care what the other people said about your relationship because what matters the most is the happiness you are currently feeling along with Isabella's happiness.

And you wouldn't change a thing between you two because the two of you love each other so much.

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