Chap. 3 "🎁🛹"

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*Y/n pov*

School went preatty good, the teacher gaved me my test and i took A , i'm so happy !

Than at lunch time i sit alone always

"Hey Is this sit taken ?" A preatty girl, with black hair, blue eyes came to me

"N-no..y-you can sit..." I'm really shy with everyone but with her ,it's worst, cause she's cute

"My name is Isabella, but you can call me Bella , i prefer it, what's yours ?"

".....y/n....but.....". (Remember you can still use your name or pronuns if you don't use other name or pronuns )

"But ? That's ok, of you're not comfortable telling me your real name "

"R-real ?" I asked confused, how did she know

"Yeah, i can clearly see that your ftm, so this Is your dead name , what's your new name ?"

"...Noah ..."

"Cool!!! That's really cool Noah !" She yelled a bit to much and i involontary flinched

She notice
"Oh....sorry, you don't like people yelling right ?"

"Mh mh.."

"That's ok, i can keep my voice a bit low , my parents always said i have a megaphone voice ,ahahah, i think that's true, but they love it "
Wow, her parents love her ...mine hate me ...and i hate them too

"And yours ? How are they ?"

"...i....i don't want to t-talk about It...s-sorry...."

"That's ok, i argue with them preatty often , so it's normal "

But what they did it's not normal....they treat me like a dog ....worst than a dog !

The bell rang

"Oh, we need to go, what class have you got now ?" Bella asked


"Wow, me too !! How old are you ?"

"10..." I answered

"Me too, yess! I got a friend ! "

"F-friend ?" I asked confused

"Yes, we're friend now, we talked for a while, we enjoy our company, and we're going at the same class, so we're friend ! You like It ?"

"... yes...i-i do" i really do, i never had a friend, and she's really cute

"Me too,now let's go "
We went in class and we sit near eachother, i really like Bella

After school Bella needed to go home and i have to wait for Lizzie ...i like Lizzie too, but i don't know how to act with her ,cause if she became angry with me , i'm afraid she'll hit me

"Hey Noah ! I'm here !" I heard her yell and i flinched , god i need to cure that
I sit on the car seat and looked up at her shily


"Hey, how was your day ? "

"G-good..y-yours ?" I asked her nicely

*Lizzie pov*

This Is the first time he asked me something

"Preatty good, boring but good, than i saw you and It became more than good"

He blashed and looked at his lap

"Hey, i've got something for you "

His eyes whiden at what i said

I passed him a box

He opened It and his smile grow more

"I-is this for m-me ?" He asked shyly

"Of course ! So you can come here without loosing the bus, and i can pick you up when you exit ,what do you think ?"

"...i-i......." He started crying

"Hey, it's ok, what happend ? You don't like It ?"

"N-no i l-love It ...i-it's ...just ...nobody ever gaved me ....a p-present l-like this ...thanks l-lizzie .."

Awwww, so cute , this melted my heart

"That's ok, i really love to see you smile ,so stop to cry , you have to practice and you have to show me how you can go on It

Btw i give him a skateboard, cause i saw that his hoodie have a little skate on the corner of it , and the other day he had it on the other sleeve

"Thank you " he said smiling at me closing his eyes

"It's my pleasure!"

"C-can i .....umm....h-hugg y-you...."

I stayed shocked , what ? Did he really said that ?

"S-sorry ....i-im sorry.....i-i have to g-go..." He was crying ,no

"Wait "

He turned around ,stopping his action to open the car door

"Y-yes?...." He was trembling, like i would hit him. Why ? I will never do that, NEVER

"Of course you can hug me , It was just unaspected ,cause i tought you were uncomfortable,but if you like It, i will love It " i said smiling at him

"O-okay....c-can i ?"

"Of course"

I opened my arms and he didn't know what to do, so i wrapped my arms around him, he tense at the touch but then melted in the hug, he hugged me back !! Yes!!! Than i felt something wet on my shirt , he was crying

I took his chin and i made him look up at me

"Why are you crying baby ?"

"....n-nobody...ever....h-hugged m-me ....a-and.....i-it...feels g-good..."

How could nobody ever hugged him, It feel so good and i love this warm feeling

*Y/n pov*

Omg, It feel so good, i love It , how could nobody tried this with me ? Oh, maeby it's because i'm a shit and deserve nothing....neither my parents' love ...
Lizzie notice my change of mood

"Hey, what happend ? You were happy a moment ago" Lizzie asked worried

"Ummm.... I....nothing .... C-can we go ?..."

"Yeah sure, and i know where you live , cause i brought you the gift "

"O-ok..b-but...can you stop before m-my house ?..."

"Ok, that's not a problem "

She drive me home,i was leaving when i stopped

"....thank you Lizzie ...really ...."

"Don't worry it's all my pleasure , now go and get a shower than eat and sleep ,ok? Oh and here's my number ,so you can text me if you need "

My eyes started to fill with tears , i bit my lip

"Mh mh...t-thanks " my voice cracked at the end of the sentence

"Awww, baby, come here, it's lovely to see you happy" She brought me into a lovely hug, i hugged her back

"Now go and get some sleep, i'll see you tomorrow at 4 pm ok ?"

"Ok, bye " i wave to her and entered my house with my new skate, oh, shit i have to hide it
I went in the back of my garden and placed it under my window so i can picked It up in the morning

Lizzie saw that and smiled at my action

"Bye!!" She said waving to me

I wave back , hoping that i will see her tomorrow ...i really hope that ....

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