Chap. 26 "you don't really want to know"

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*Y/n pov*

I woke up cause i heard my father coming in the room running really angry

"Bitch!! Come on, you have to get up and get ready for school!!! " He yelled making me flinch and cry more

Now all the time i wake up i cry, cause i wake up ....i bet that not waking up is the best thing i can feel

He took me by my hair
"Listen bitch! Now, i'm gonna give you your little lesson, cause you'll be gone all day, than you're going at school without talking ,ok?" He yelled in my face

I noodded, shacking , tears rolling down my face and to my little red body , covered only by a t-shirt and some pants

And i feel like i have a fever , but i can't stay here, i prefer to be at school than to be at home...home...i can't call this building home ...

He pulled my wrist togheter in the cuff ,so now i'm attached to the ceiling

He didn't even said what he was going to do, he always did ...and than i heard a strong pain in my back

"AAAAAAAAAA" he immediatly placed his hand on my mouth

"Shut the fuck up!! Or i'll do worst "

And than her gagged me ,with my shirt

"Look at you, so vulnerable and ready to be ripped "

And he started again ...and again ...and again ...

He stopped when there wasn't space in my back , so he just cut my arms and he left me in the room on the floor , bleeding and crying

My wrist were still cuffed and my mouth gagged , i couldn't moove , i couldn't take the shirt off my mouth ...

I can't do anything...

Than he came back and he left my wrist free and the gag too

"Go and take your bag!! If you're not out of here in 15 minuts i'm gonna do another lesson with Arthur!"

After i heard his name i jumped up and starting to take my book and all i needed for the day

Than i cleaned up a bit, i wrapped bendages around my wrist and my legs , out on some band aid and some disinfectant on my back

I took a black hoodie and long pants and i wear that

And in 15 minuts i was out of the house , i took my skate and i started skating to school

I really miss Lizzie ....She was everything..but now i think she hates me ..i can't text her at 'home', my father and Arthur will beat me if i do that

So i read all the message when i was on the bench outside the school

I still have 30 minuts, so i can read them

And what i read was really sad ...She think i don't love her anymore, She thinks that i hate her and the job ....she....she....She missed me ...

God, why do i have to live like this ?...why??

I decided to text Lizzie ,Just one text


Me:Hey Lizzie.... i'm Noah, Sorry if i didn't text you before ..i had to do important things , and homework...i'm so sorry, but i promise you i still love you

Than i enter my class, It was empty thank god, i took the last seat on the back of the class

Than i saw a woman coming in the class, and i started to shake in fear...and ...what if she's angry ?

What if she hit me ?

I pretend to not see her

I was still shaking and tears rolling down my face

"Hey!" The woman said and made me jump scared

I was looking at the floor all the time

"Oh...Sorry...what are you doing here this soon ? "

I didn't answered , i can't talk to her

"..ok, umm, what's your name ?" She tried to have and answere but nothing escape my mouth

".. i'm Emily , would you like to come a little closer ?"

I shook my head violently

"Ok, that's ok old are you ?"

I took a paper and i wrote two numbers

'10' (write)

"Oh, you're so little...are you sure it's the right class?"

I noodded again

"Can you wrote me your name ?"

I shook my head ...i don't want her to know me , what if she's faking all of this ?

"That's ok, but i have to know that one day or another ,don't you think ?" She said laughing

I just kept my head down they teach me

"..can you please look at me?" She asked

I shook again my head

"Ok...ok,don't worry, we have time to know eachother"

Than she started writing something , i was in the same position as 20 minuts ago

Than she stood up, no please

I started crying more,but not lowdly , i was always quiet

And my body was shaking in fear

She approched me

"Hey, it's ok, don't worry, i just wanted to give you this paper ...can you please answere this questions ?"

They were personal questions, what is my favorite color or what i do in the free time etcc..

I noodded

"That's good!" She said with a high voice and i flinched ,almost falling to the floor

"Sorry....answere that than gave It to me ok?"

I noodded again

And i started writing

Then i saw a question :

-are you ok?

And i don't know what ti answer... cause..i don't want to tell her anything

I won't answer that

Than i finished and i waited for her to come and pick It up

But she was working on something

"Can you please bring It to me ?"

I than slowly got up, and shaking i went to her

I have her the paper , i was turning around but she took my wrist

I flinched and dropped on the floor, i covered my hears with my hands

"Hey, it's ok, i'm sorry, i just wanted you to stay here with me ..."

I stayed like that for a bit, than i stood up and walked to my seat

I wiped my tears and hide my face in my arms crossed in the table

Than the bell rang and i flinched , almost jumping on the seat

I know the teacher Is looking at me ...i know that ...but please stop don't really want to know what happend to me me's better if you don't

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