Chap. 7 "Forever mine "💗💙

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*Lizzie pov*

He said 'i love you mommy '!!!!!!!! Omg!!! So cuteeee!!! I'm so execited! I'll adopt him now if only he didn't have parents

Oh, right ,his parents , i need to call them

The nice nurse gave me their name and number, so now i'm going to call them

*On call*

Me:Hi, i'm Lizzie, i found your son preatty hurt, he got bulliead at school and he tried to kill himself

Parents : ummm...who am i talking to ?

Me: oh Sorry, i'm Lizzie ,i'm Just a stranger, i took your son to the hospital

Parents: ummm, we don't have a son, we have a daughter, you maeby have the wrong number

Me: oh, Sorry, no no, i'm talking about y/n actually, and yes, i'm here with your daughet

Parents: oh, what did she do this time ?

Me: well... The kid tried to kill himself -

Parents: it's a girl!! What are you dumb ?

Me: oh, Sorry, yeah, your daughet tried to kill herself, and tried to jump from a home roof

Parents : oh, that's bad, what do you want then ?

Me: well, could you maeby bring her home with you ? You're her parents ?

Parents : well, now we can't, were busy, and not there, can you take care of her , than you'll get rid of her in some weeks

Me: well i don't mind spending time with her, so i'll se you in some weeks , bye, and thanks

Parents: yeha yeah yeah bye

*End of call*

Wierd, it's like they don't care .....i hope i'm wrong

It's now passed a couple of weeks and they didn't show up, Noah Is going to be discharged today, maeby i should take him home with me

"Noah ?" I asked to the little scared boy cuddle beside me

"Mh?" Noah haven't spoked much , he's still scared ,you can't blame him

"Would you like to come home with me ?"

His face light up, a big smile appear on his little cute face

"Yes" it's the only thing he said , than he hugged me under the covers

"I'm so happy you said yes, now we're going to be always togheter, and you're coming to work with me ok?"

He tilted his head

"Oh, yeah, i'm an actress, i act for work , pretend to be someone else , telling people other stories "

" Can i be too ?" He asked shyly

"You want to be an actor ?"

He noodded

"That's amazing , i'm going to ask to my director if you can work with me , maeby you can be Wanda's son "

"Wanda ?" He asked

"Yes, i play Wanda in Marvel "
He stopped, he get up and took a draw , he handed me the draw

It's me , well , Wanda ! He's really good at drawing

"Omg, you're so good at that , i love it, can i keep It in my trailer ?"

"Mh mh" he noodded

We hugged ,than the nice nurse came in

"Hey cake , i'm here to took off that neadle on your arm"

Noah looked scared, maeby he's scared

"Hey, it's ok, it's not going to hurt , She just need to took It off, you won't even feel it" i rassured him


The nice nurse, or Kelly, that's her name , took off the neadle, and Noah didn't flinch, so he didn't feel It

"See ? All good " he gave me thumbs up and i kissed his head

We took all of our things, that aren't a lot , and we went out , Noah with is blue cast and his skate and me with our bags

We enered the car

"Ok, now , we can go home "

"......home...." He repeat the word

"What's wrong?"

"...i...i never called my house ..home ...It never felt like one...."

"Well, now you have one, and remember ,home is not a where ,is a who, so you're home when you're with who you love "

"'re mine ..." He said looking at me

"And you're mine baby, FOREVER"

We hugged and i started driving

After 45 minuts i pull off , i parker , Noah took his skate and i took his school bag and the others from the hospital

We than entered my home

<< I Hope you all like this chapter, it's really important to me , i feel connected to this feelings and storyz i hope i can show you how everything can change in life, and not everything is bad .... Love ya ! Eat, drink and sleep ! <3

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