Chapter 1

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Once upon a time in New York City, there lived a community of fairy tale characters known as Fabletown. The Fables who live there arrived hundreds of years ago after they were exiled from their Homelands.

Through the use of a magic spell called Glamour, they have protected their secret community from the mundane world. The ones who safeguard them are Sheriff Bigby Wolf and (Y/n) Tideborn.

The sea witch. You already think you know me, right? Evil, wicked, controlling, a witch. I never wanted to be the villain in my story, but it's not like I had much of a choice. One look at my name and everyone hates me and judges me immediately.

The wicked old woman who cursed the Little Mermaid? All I did was give her what she wanted and enough time to do what she needed.

Let's get one thing straight: yes, I'm a very old Fable, but I don't look like an old hag. Sure, some of it is part of my Glamour, but that's only because of my fins and scales. I have no choice but to hide that stuff.

People don't know the real story, what actually happened, or even what I look like! I've learned not to care, but part of it still bothers me. I never wanted to be the villain in my story; I wanted my own happily ever after with my own Prince Charming. But no, I don't get that choice.

Whatever, at least I have one person who understands me and how I feel, and that's Bigby Wolf—the big bad wolf. Stomach full of stones and thrown down the river by the huntsman. Yeah, it's worse than how mine ended.

My actual name? Does it even really matter at this point? If you must know, it's (Y/n), (Y/n) Tideborn. Yeah, I know you don't recognize it because my name doesn't exist in the books.

Whatever, enough about me. Let's get right into my new story with my happily ever after, shall we?

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