Chapter 2

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It was another grueling day at the Business Office, enduring Crane's usual unpleasant demeanor, especially directed at (Y/n) and Snow. (Y/n) was fed up with him and his antics, eagerly awaiting King Cole's return. Finally able to head home for some much-needed sleep, she approached the gates of her apartment building when something caught her eye on the steps.

"The fuck...?" She muttered under her breath, drawing closer until she realized with horror what lay there.

...the head of a dead woman.

"Holy shit!" (Y/n) gasped, immediately covering her mouth to stifle any further noise. Shocked, she swiftly removed her jean jacket and draped it over the woman's head to shield the gruesome sight from passersby.

Bursting into her building, (Y/n) raced upstairs to Bigby's floor. She didn't have a moment to spare; she needed to alert him before anyone else stumbled upon the scene. Knocking urgently on his door, she grew increasingly impatient until Bigby finally answered.


"(Y/n)?" He questioned.

"No it's the Little Mermaid, of course, it's me, dumbass, follow me," she snapped, already moving toward the elevators with him trailing behind.

"(Y/n)." Bigby called after her as they descended. She remained silent, her mind racing with the urgency of the situation. "(Y/n)!"

"What?!" She snapped back, clearly on edge.

"What happened?" He asked cautiously.

"I...I can't say right now. But we need to hurry." She tells him. Once they reached the elevators she spoke up again. "We need to be careful. We'll talk outside."

Arriving downstairs, (Y/n) gestured for Bigby to investigate the covered figure outside. Bigby knelt down, his expression shifting from shock to grim determination as he uncovered the head. (Y/n)'s heart sank at his reaction.

"Do you–did you know her?" (Y/n) asked him carefully. "She's not a Mundy right?"

Bigby shakes his head no so she continues to ask him questions. "Who was she? Cause she does look familiar but I can't place it."

Bigby didn't respond and looked back down at the head. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at her partner with suspicion. It was as if he didn't want to tell her something.

Bigby hesitated, then spoke gravely. "The Woodsman. He attacked her. I stepped in. Then he threatened to kill us both."

"Woody? He couldn't have..."(Y/n)'s words trailed off, stunned into silence.

"I don't think anything yet, just gimme a second, guppy," Bigby responded, using his familiar nickname for her, in an attempt to calm the tension. Despite its origins, it provided a brief respite amidst the grim circumstances.

"Who found her?"

"I did. I didn't touch her. I threw my jacket over her so no one could see her," (Y/n) explained, her voice tinged with urgency. "I wanted to wait until I got you down here."

Bigby looked at her, his usually stoic demeanor hinting at the weight of the situation. "No one else was with you?"

"No," She answered as she shook her head. "Bigby, did one of us do this?"

"There hasn't been a murder in Fabletown in a long time," Bigby murmured, his brow furrowed in thought.

(Y/n) sighed, glancing around nervously. "I know, all the more reason we shouldn't start a panic before we know what's going on."

(Y/n) sighed deeply, her nerves on edge as she scanned the surroundings. The sight of the severed head on the steps sent chills down her spine, and the growing presence of pedestrians meant time was slipping away for a discreet investigation.

"You can have a look around, I'll make sure no one sees you or her. We don't have much time before people will be coming through here," she said, positioning herself strategically to shield the scene from view.

Bigby knelt closer to the head, his focused demeanor unsettling in the dim light. With a muttered oath, he reached into the woman's mouth and retrieved a purple ribbon with a ring attached.

"It's her ribbon." He declared, shocked by what he found. "There's some kind of symbol on the ring."

(Y/n) leaned in, inspecting the symbol with furrowed brows. "I don't recognize it," she admitted softly.

"Neither do I." Bigby replied tersely, placing the ribbon down to examine the clean, precise cut on the woman's neck.

"Strange cut, what did this to her?"

"It's some kind of magic cut," (Y/n) observed as she moved closer, her tone analytical. "Too clean for a normal weapon. Even the sharpest blade couldn't achieve this without magic."

"She was placed here with some care. You can tell that someone didn't just toss her here. She was deliberately placed for us to find." Bigby concluded, standing up as (Y/n) began to pace in agitation.

"What kind of monster would do this?" (Y/n) muttered, her disbelief palpable even as she referred to her own reputation as an 'evil' sea witch.

"I can't believe this. It's surreal," she murmured, rubbing her temples wearily. "What do you want to do next?"

Bigby hesitated, his gaze shifting between the head and (Y/n). "Nothing much else to do..."

(Y/n) glanced down at the head and her bloodied jacket nearby. "We should move her before anyone else arrives," she suggested a hint of urgency in her voice. "We'll gather more information at the Business Office. She'll be in the books; I'm sure of it."

Bigby nodded in agreement before (Y/n) pressed on. "Bigby, do you have any idea what's going on?"

"This is a message," he stated with grim certainty.

"A message?" (Y/n) echoed, bewildered. "I don't understand. Snow talks about office complaints all the time, but... why leave such a gruesome message?"

"The placement, it's deliberate," Bigby clarified. "They want us to know what they've done."

(Y/n) groaned inwardly, anticipating the next difficult step. "I'll have to tell Crane. As acting Mayor, he needs to know."

"We should wait until we have more to tell him. Right now, all we know is a girl is dead. Telling Crane doesn't change that." Bigby advised cautiously. "I've got all the motivation I need to find who did this."

"Uh hello? Just you? We're partners Bigby you're stuck with me." (Y/n) asserted firmly.

"(Y/n), this stuff is dangerous, I don't want you to be targeted." Bigby insisted concern etched on his face.

"I can take care of myself," (Y/n) replied resolutely. "I've been doing it for centuries. I'm more than capable of helping."

Bigby sighed in resignation, knowing her determination well. "Fine, but be careful. We don't know what we're dealing with yet."

"I will," (Y/n) promised, her gaze steady. "Get her to Dr. Swineheart. He needs to examine her."

She turned toward the door, pausing to look back at Bigby. "Goodnight, Bigby. I'll see you at the office tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Bigby, I'll see you in the office tomorrow," She says with a small smile.

With a small smile, she disappeared into the building, leaving Bigby alone with his thoughts. As the door closed, he murmured softly to himself, "Goodnight, Guppy. Stay safe..."

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