Chapter 3

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Getting scolded by her "boss" was hardly how (Y/n) liked to start her morning. Sarcasm dripped from her thoughts as Crane's voice filled the office, berating both her and Snow for circumstances beyond their control. Snow had been absent when the incident occurred, yet that didn't stop Crane from directing his ire at both of them.

"And now you tell me there's a killer on the loose?!" Crane's voice reverberated, amplified by frustration. The door clicked shut as Bigby entered the room, his presence a welcome interruption to Crane's tirade. "You're the one bringing this to me, Miss Tideborn! The one who so simply 'stumbled' upon this catastrophe on our very doorstep! The last thing I need with Mayor Cole away is hysteria! Do you understand me?!"

"Yes! Of course, I do but-" (Y/n) attempted to interject, only to be cut off sharply.

"Don't interrupt me, Miss Tideborn!"

"You asked me a question!" she shot back, frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

"Don't change the subject, you are to blame for this unpleasantness, Miss Tideborn!" Crane's finger jabbed accusingly.

"She brought you the news as soon as she could!" Snow interjected, her voice a rare note of defense in the storm of Crane's anger.

"You are one of our Sheriffs, tasked with keeping things safe and running smoothly! This is a disaster!" Crane's voice rose to a crescendo, his agitation palpable.

Bigby moved closer, inserting himself into the heated exchange. "If anyone's to blame, it's me. There's no need to yell at them," he asserted firmly, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"Oh, your role in this is duly noted! Yes, let's talk about that!" Crane redirected his fury towards Bigby. "You and Miss Tideborn are responsible for protecting the citizens of Fabletown. Your failure to do so cost someone their life and jeopardizes the safety of the entire community! Tell me you've been doing something about it. Any leads? Suspects?"

Crane settled back into his chair, a semblance of control returning to his voice as Snow took a seat opposite him. (Y/n) and Bigby remained standing, attentive to Crane's demands and bracing themselves for the barrage of questions to come.

"Bluebeard came to mind. It's his M.O., though shaky," Snow began to explain, hoping to contribute constructively, but Crane cut her off sharply.

"Don't be absurd! Bluebeard is currently out of the country. If all you're operating on is ancient history, we're in far deeper trouble than I imagined," Crane retorted sharply. "You need to handle this situation quickly and quietly. We can't afford to have all of Fabletown knowing there's a killer among us."

Crane glanced down briefly, collecting his thoughts before addressing Snow directly. "Snow."

"Yes... sir?" Snow responded cautiously, caught off guard by the sudden shift in Crane's tone.

"Call Vivian right this minute and inform her I'm coming in early for my... appointment," Crane instructed, a hint of discomfort in his voice at the euphemism.

"I will." Snow affirmed.

Crane scanned his desk, noticing something missing. "And where's the bottle of wine you were supposed to purchase?" he demanded, his irritation mounting.

Snow frowned, genuinely perplexed by the oversight, and began to rise to rectify it, but Crane waved her off dismissively. "Forget it! Can't do anything right," he muttered under his breath, standing abruptly and heading towards the door. Before leaving, he turned back to (Y/n) and Bigby. "(Y/n), Bigby, do your job."

Bigby started to retort, a scowl forming on his face, but (Y/n) intervened, tugging on his sleeve to stop him before he could escalate the confrontation. Crane raised an eyebrow as (Y/n) managed a strained smile.

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