Chapter 5

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Bigby and (Y/N) finally arrived at Lawrence's apartment in the South Bronx. The entire situation was stressful, and (Y/N) was eager to finish up.

"I don't wanna stay here any longer than we have to, so let's just pick an approach and stick to it, alright?" (Y/N) said to Bigby.

"When the magic mirror showed me this apartment...I think I saw a knife inside, covered in what looked like blood." Bigby explained.

(Y/N) looked at him, shocked and worried. "I wasn't expecting that. Well, like I said, let's not overcomplicate things. You can question him while I look around for it."

"And if he objects?" Bigby asked.

"We're here on official Fabletown business, and we can both be persuasive if we need to be," (Y/N) replied with a smirk. Bigby nodded with a smile.

They walked up to Lawrence's already open door and stepped inside. The apartment reeked, and the loud TV only added to the unpleasant atmosphere. (Y/N) covered her nose for a moment as Bigby approached a chair. She followed him after adjusting to the smell and saw Lawrence's body slumped in the chair. Bigby knelt and turned Lawrence over, discovering he was still alive.

"Hey, Hey! Stay with me, Lawrence. You're gonna be okay." Bigby tried to reassure him. Lawrence grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist and groaned in pain.

"No, no! Let me go." he begged. (Y/N) sat down on the floor, helping Lawrence to sit up a little. He struggled to speak, the only clear word being "she."

"What is it you're trying to tell us?" (Y/n) asked.

"W-Wa-ter," Lawrence said weakly.

"Bigby, water, kitchen," (Y/N) instructed quickly as she tried to keep Lawrence awake. Bigby hurried to the kitchen and returned with a cup of water. He carefully lifted Lawrence's head, allowing him to sip from the cup. (Y/N) looked down at Lawrence, knowing he didn't have much time left.

"If you have something to ask him, you should do it now," She told Bigby.

"Who did this to you?" Bigby asked urgently.

"...Faith" Lawrence whispered, coughing, and repeated it once more before taking his final breath. Sighing, (Y/N) gently closed his eyes and laid his lifeless body down. She looked up at Bigby with a saddened expression.

"Do you still have that letter?" She asked.

"Yes," Bigby said, handing it over. She hesitated, looking down at the letter, then back up at Bigby.

"Should I open it?" (y/n) asked, looking up at Bigby for approval.. "I don't know, it doesn't feel right."

"You should. There might be something that helps us. A clue. A lead." Bigby encouraged. She nodded and opened the letter, her expression turning sad as she read it. "What does it say?"

"I'm sorry...Faith." She read quietly. She knelt beside Lawrence and placed the letter in his hand. "It's only two words, but he died without seeing them. I'm sorry, too. We need to figure out what happened here and find whoever did this."

Bigby was examining the room and spotted the knife covered in blood that he had seen in the mirror back at the Business Office. It was a fancier silver blade, adorned with unique designs likely from the Homelands. (Y/N) looked over his shoulder to see what he had found.

"It's sharp, and there's blood on the blade." Bigby commented.

"Is that the same blade you saw in the mirror?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah," Bigby confirmed, looking over at Lawrence, who was a good distance away from the blade. "And I don't know why it's over here."

"I just don't understand, why would someone want to kill him?" (Y/N) wondered aloud as she watched Bigby stand up. They continued to search the apartment, and (Y/N) noticed a hole in the wall.

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