Chapter 16

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" Once again, I must thank you again for being so welcoming to me, and allowing my cats to join. You are truly wonderful OneStar " Sol said, his tail whipping back and forth. " Oh of course, the more cats we have, the better to feed us all, now, we will Attack soon, correct? " OneStar spoke, his whisker twitching. " Yes, and we are all planed? " Sol asked. " Yes, I will gather the patrols soon " OneStar said, nodding his head. PygmyLeap sighed, Watching SunPaw tackled WhiskerPaw, and WeaselPaw  joined in. PygmyLeap rolled his eyes, After tonight, we will have more territory, more  space for more cats and kits. " Cats of WindClan! Our clan will rise victorious tonight! Now, Battle Patrols. LeafTail, ThistleBelly, Hussar and Flower, you will take the uphill patrol. " OneStar called. Flower and Jingo rubbed there heads together, PygmyLeap felt a pang of jealousy, they both had someone else to care for,  they won't risking losing a gift! " On the first attack patrol will be Jester, RobinWing, Merry, WhiteTail, AshFoot, and SunPaw " Sol spoke. PygmyLeap stood up quickly " What! She's a apprentice, MY apprentice, and I'm not even on the patrol! " PygmyLeap snarled. " Ah I know, but you will take BreezePelt, WeaselPaw and WhiskerPaw to the camp, and surprise them from above! "  Sol purred, and PygmyLeap rolled his eyes, as a Patrol of cats arrived in camp " LeopardStar, I suspect you agree to our conditions? " OneStar spoke, walking towards her. " We do, we shall attack from lake Shore. " LeopardStar nodded. " I have brought my best, Talon, MistyFoot, IceWing, BeetleWhisker, PrimrosePeak and PufferPelt. " LeopardStar spoke, her eyes Starring at OneStar. " Perfect, the rest of WindClan, follow me and sol " OneStar called, and they went running out. " Come on you three " PygmyLeap said, BreezePelt was first to follow, as WeaselPaw and WhiskerPaw said there goodbyes to SunPaw. PygmyLeap lead the cats over the border, and sniffed out camp, where they lay waiting. Shortly after, a battle screech was heard, and Cats flooded into ThunderClan camp. He saw LeafTail start to fight another brown tabby, and CrowFoot tackled a Ginger she. " Ready, Now! " PygmyLeap called, and the four all leaped down, each landing on a cat. The cat he landed on shook him on, and growled, until stopping " PygmyLeap....? " It was LeafPool. " M-mother! I... " PygmyLeap looked at his mother, her eyes filled with dread. " I thought you where better " LeafPool whispered, until the ground began to shake. " What's going on- " A Grey and white tom called. " Yes. YES! " it was sol who spoke. Who fur rippling. " The time has come! RISE MY FOLLOWERS, LET THE STRENGTH OF OUR LEADER FILL YOU! " sol called, and PygmyLeap felt weak, hardly able to stand. He looked up, seeing multiple cats fur ripple, and he weakly looked at the sky. And where the sun should be, lay a dark shadow, the sun reaching out behind it.

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