Chapter 23

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PickleStem trotted behind FidgetFlake, this was going to be the most tense Gathering in a long time. As they crossed onto the island, each clan was gathered amongst themselves. Few heard poking up as SkyClan arrived. PickleStem trotted away from the group, looking for WallabyPetal, or PygmyLeap. She continued walking, until bumping into a Brown tom, not much taller than her. " Oh, I'm sorry! " he said. " Oh it's ok..Are you PufferPelt? " PickleStem tilted her head at the Tom. " Oh, yes, I believe you are PickleStem, my clan told me about you " PufferPelt mewed. " Oh yes, I am. Come, let's go sit, we can talk about What we know " PickleStem chuckled, and walked down to there last meeting spot, where a Tortishell tom sat. " ScorpionPaw! What a pleasure to see you! " PickleStem chirped. " You too PickleStem, but I'm ScorpionHeart now! " The Tom chuckled. " Well congratulations! " PickleStem purred. Through the bushes, two more cats came through, WallabyPetal and PygmyLeap " We thought we heard you guys! " WallabyPetal purred. As all the cats sat, PickleStem opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the leaders "The gathering now begins! FireStar, will you go first? " LeafStar called. " Yes, thank you. Cats of all clans! We know that our battle has hurt all the clans. I propose we say the names of our fallen, and hold a moment of silence for them. "' FireStar suggested, and all leaders nodded in agreement " Very well, I shall begin. From ThunderClan, HoneyFern, CinderHeart, HazelTail, RosePetal, And IcePaw " FireStar said, all cats dipping there heads. " From SkyClan, CloudMist, PatchNose, SharpClaw, HazeStorm and HarveyMoon. " LeafStar mewed, And PickleStem dropped her head, she would miss the stories PatchNose would tell her about SkyClans old home, but noticed she put in HazeStorm and SharpClaws names, maybe to save the two strong warriors death of ' A fox '. PickleStem felt her guilt rush back to her as the gathering continued. " From ShadowClan, IvyTail, RatScar, TallPoppy, and NightWhisper " BlackStar grumbled. " From WindClan, AshFoot, LeafTail, and WhiskerPaw " OneStar meowed. " And From RiverClan, LeopardStar, PounceTail, and EmberDawn " MistyStar Announced. All the cats remained silent, until BlackStar spoke. " We know they are in a good place, may ShadowClan speak? " BlackStar asked. The leaders nodded. " Very good, ShadowClan has two new warriors, DawnRise and ScorpionHeart. Prey in running well, and we have made renovations to our camp " BlackStar announced. " Glad to hear you have new warriors BlackStar, SkyClan Had a New Deputy, HawkWing, we know he will follow in his father's Footsteps. " LeafStar announced. " We wish HawkWing good Luck, GorseTail of WindClan has had a new litter of kits, HeatherKit,  and HareKit " OneStar announced. " With LeopardStars passing, I have taken her place, And With GrassPelt as my New Deputy, RiverClan will thrive " MistyStar Announced. " Then with that, we end the gathering! " FireStar announced. " ugh. We never have time to talk, how about this, you  four all come to the moonPool tomorrow night, ok? We can talk there " PickleStem suggested " Sure, I'll see you there " PygmyLeap said, as he stood up and walked away. The other cats nodded, and all returned to there clans " Come on PickleStem! " FidgetFlake called. " I'm coming!! "

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