Chapter 25

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WallabyPetal happily trotted back to camp, mouse and bird in jaw. As she entered camp, she saw HollyStalk and ThornClaw murmuring to eachother. WallabyPetal shook it off, and placed her catch on the pile.  She trotted over to her usual spot, and DoveWing joined her moments later. " WallabyPetal, you gotta tell me about the other Stars, I always wanna talk to them, but you five are always talking at gathering. Please! " DoveWing meowed, here bright yellow eyes wide. " Alright, Alright fine, but it's not like I know them like ThunderClan Territory, I'm still getting to know them. " WallabyPetal chuckled. " First theres PygmyLeap, my brother. He can be a bit grouchy, but he's nice and caring " WallabyPetal began. " Then there is PufferPelt of RiverClan, he is a Bit Anxious, but I know he is brave under his thick fur, And PickleStem of SkyClan is a medicine cat, so she is our closest connection to StarClan. I think she was a KittyPet before, based on her collar, but LeafStar also has one, so I'm not sure. " WallabyPetal meowed, shrugging. " And then there's..Scorpion...Heart- " WallabyPetal glanced over, looking for DoveWings reaction, but she gave none, in-fact her eyes widened. " ScorpionHeart seems like he is really kind, he seems rather polite to...are you still mad at him? " WallabyPetal asked, seeing her reaction not changing. " Oh, yeah I do...He seems really nice, and Polite, and..." DoveWing started, burring her head into her neck fur. " And what?? " WallabyPetal asked, tilting her head.  " Handsome..." DoveWing mewed quietly out of her neck fur. WallabyPetal gasped, her eyes widened " You like him don't you! "  WallabyPetal teased. " W-well I just saw him with you at the gathering, and when I heard he was a Warrior...Oh don't tell anyone! Please WallabyPetal!! " DoveWing mewed, her eyes wide. " I won't, I won't, it would be Hypocritical of me " WallabyPetal meowed, chuckling " But don't think I won't tease you " WallabyPetal mewed, sticking her tongue out at DoveWing, before quickly running out of camp, and DoveWing chasing after her. Both skidded go the lake, standing in the water Wrist deep. Both she's splashes eachother, laughing loudly. " Will you two stop acting like kits? " HollyStalks voice snarled at them. " Yes, you two are warriors, act like it! " BlossomFall hissed, and BlossomFall and HollyStalk walked  off. WallabyPetal rolled her eyes. " Come on, let's go back to camp, I need to get ready to meet the other stars, I'll say hi to ScorpionHeart for ya " WallabyPetal meowed, before running back to camp, and Angry DoveWing at her tail.

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