Chapter 11 | The Next Hand

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Du'ol Keep, The Lands of the Cluvani

It was Lady Kena, a woman fast growing in the jaquelle's esteem, that found them in the stables.

"I thought there were two cats caterwauling in here." She looked between them, Lord O'rian still staring Rosalyne down, and the jaquelle fairly glowing with anger.

The lady leaned against the doorway. "Don't let me interrupt."

Rosalyne let out a slow breath and curtsied to Lady Kena. "I wish to apologise for my outburst in the square — I fear I have made a poor impression on her ladyship."

Lady Kena pursed her lips, looking, for a moment, remarkably like her cousin. "Her highness certainly made a strong one. Time will tell if it was poor." She pointed at Lord O'rian. "I'd usually ask if you needed rescuing from this one, but — from the sounds of it — you can hold your own."

Lord O'rian transferred his glower to his cousin. "What do you want?"

"Pff, fine way to talk to your favourite cousin — speaking of favourites," Lady Kena said, straightening up, "That's what I came to ask, where is Zaire?"

Rosalyne felt Lord O'rian's anger clatter to the floor like a great shield. Grief came rolling up into her throat as it choked him.

"Rian?" Lady Kena started to uncross her arms.

Rosalyne stepped forward and bowed her head. "I'm afraid it must be I who now offers her ladyship condolences. The Lady Zaire was one of the warriors that fell defending my people."

The jovial spirit slipped from Lady Kena's face as she looked to her cousin for confirmation.

She shook her head at the look on his face and clenched her fists. Her arms drew in tighter than a bow string until they snapped and struck the door of the nearest stall, cracking the wood and the skin over her knuckles. And like the spilled blood, tears began to slip over her cheeks as she bellowed a stream of curses.

The jaquelle slipped past Lord O'rian as he crouched down next to Lady Kena. Rosalyne paused out in the light of the courtyard and peered over her shoulder. Lady Kena wept into the collar of Lord O'rian's cloak.

He held her as the anger slipped away to leave hollow ache in its place. He allowed his cousin to pound her fists into his shoulders as he kept his own grief at bay.

The Lady Danli du Ibhere spotted Rosalyne standing alone in the courtyard and clicked at her with pity. "Come — we have baths and new clothes waiting for you. And a bed after that — which I imagine will be quite welcome."

The jaquelle pushed away a sob of relief. "Yes," she managed to croak. "If her ladyship pleases. It would be most welcome."

Lady Danli gave her a sad smile. "Call me Aunti, sweet girl," she said and escorted Rosalyne to the baths underneath the fort.

"Have you ever seen a hot spring, Sweet?"

Rosalyne shook her head.

"Well, the smell may be a bit of a shock at first but it's all quite normal."

The baths were carved into the mountain and made a large round pool that filled the room with steam and the smell of bad eggs — though still better than herself. Rosalyne suddenly felt the accumulated grime on her skin acutely.

She turned to the Lady Danli. "I have a servant — Lady Dys — I wish to have attend me. She could also benefit from these springs after our journey."

Lady Danli nodded and left Rosalyne's presence.

The room was large enough that Rosalyne supposed it to be a public bath, though it seemed to have been cleared in anticipation of their arrival, with fresh candles casting a hazy glow along the walls.

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