Chapter 2

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We walked in and sat down. I started feeding him a bottle. I noticed that he was eating better now than when we were first released from the hospital wing. I have been on maternity leave for a little over five weeks now and I was ready to get back to work. I made a mental note to see what Mary had done for the report.

"Already up Your Majesty?" Osten's new nanny had startled me from my thoughts. "If he woke up you could have rung me."

"It wasn't that early, and you have the whole day to care for him. Trust me, he is a handful. I said as I handed him to her. "Now be careful with my baby he's the last one Maxon's letting me have." I said with a little playfulness, but also being serious. The nanny, Ana seemed to pick up on it.

Maxon and I had agreed to stop after Kaden, so you can imagine Osten was a shock. Being King and seeing your precious wife go through horrible pregnancies makes you rethink the whole big family thing according to Maxon. So Maxon had decided that three children were enough.

"Of course, Your Majesty. Does Prince Osten have any medicine he is still taking from being early?" She had struck a bit of a nerve. Osten's early birth had been a touchy subject over the past weeks with Maxon and I. He thought I needed more time to recover from Osten's early and traumatic birth.

"No, he came off all medicine last week." Suddenly, I heard Maxon and Kaden having their morning squabble. "Excuse me, if you need anything today just track me down." I left kissing Osten on the head and made my way to Kaden's room.

"Kaden get dressed." Maxon commanded. "Son that is not getting dressed." I heard Maxon sigh through the door. Ever since I had Osten Kaden had done this with Maxon. Maxon would pick something out and Kaden would say that is not what mommy would pick out. Maxon would then come back to our room heated and worked up, so I would have to calm him down before going to dress Kaden.

I opened the door to a crying undressed three-year-old and a very agitated king. "What happened here?" I asked as I picked up Kaden.

"The same thing that has happened every day for the past five weeks America." Maxon sounded angry.

"Hey calm down." I put Kaden down to go hug Maxon. "Kaden why don't you wear what daddy picked out." I wrapped my arms around Maxon who in turn put his chin on top of mine.

"But I want to wear what you pick out Mommy." Kaden whined.

"I think that would be a good outfit baby. I would have picked it out myself." I told him in confidence. Kaden's maid took him to get him ready and Maxon and I left.

"I don't understand how you do that." Maxon sounded astonished.

"What can I say I have a way with my boys." I teased.

"No, we just had two mama's boys, but don't worry Osten will be on my team." He teased back.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I was you. I don't know if Eady will let anyone join the father-daughter duo."

"I think you mean the leader of the country duo." Maxon said with mock authority.

We parted at the doors to our room to get ready for the day. Mary helped into a relaxing bath. She also reminded me that I have a doctor's appointment before I join Maxon for his meeting. Doctor Hannan was concerned about how much blood I had lost during the labor and wanted to double check my iron levels. I was wearing a wonderful blue floor length gown tight through my waist and then it flared out a little. I was going to go to my appointment and breakfast, then going with Maxon to the meeting.

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