Chapter 7

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      I looked Kota in the eyes and attempted to greet him with warmness and kindness. " Kota, nice of you to join us. It's been so long since we've seen you." I looked around the room and met May's eyes as she smiled. The maids brought out breakfeast and we all started eating in silence.
       Half way through brekfeast a new, nervous butler entered and bowed. "May I approch, Your Majesty." Maxon beckoned him forward with his hand. "The advisors are requesting your presence in confrence room A." The butler back away with quick nervous steps.
        Maxon took a long sip of coffee before he got up and walked toward me. "Sorry, dear. I'll be up before the party." He leaned and placed a sweet kiss on my forehead. Maxon walked out and the dinning room got very quiet as the maids cleared away the dishes.
        The children were taken out by there maids to start their day of classes. As I stood to leave for work Kota decided then to speak. "I thought that if your husband valued you so much he would at least want your opinon in meetings. Maybe he finally figured out that he picked a five. My bad, former five, because you had to have the caste removed."
         "You can't go anywhere without mentioning the caste can you. Once again just because something upsets you doesn't mean that it isn't best for the country. Kota before you even start I'm not in the mood to fight you today on my Son's birthday, so if that is all you want please just leave."
          "Sister in case you've forgoten the whole world doesn't revolve around you. Maybe you can stop being so self-centered and think about others."
            "GET OUT!!" Maxon's voice was lound and enraged. HE quickly entered the room and strode to stand behind me. "How dare you come to my home and insult my wife." Kota stood there shocked. Maxon rounded the table and grabbed Kota's shoulder and spoke in a deathly calm voice. "Did I stutter?"
            "No." Kota's voice shook. Maxon gave a look. "Sir, No sir."
            "Then why are you still here. I told you to get out of my home."
            "The house I pay for." Kota said it in a whisper, but Maxon heard it and his eyes lit with rage.
            "Get out now!" Kota got up, but stopped to look at me. "Now" Kota walked toward me and Maxon exploded in rage I'd only seen a handful of times. "Get away from my wife and out of my home." Kota looked like he was about to say something, but seemed ot decide against it.
            "America." I got up and went to him immediatley. He put his arm out and I took it. As he lead us away I turned my head and mouthed my apologies to my family. When we got to the hallway Kota was there waiting. "Guards escort this man out of my home and don't let him back in."
             Maxon and I walked to his office and went in. He took me to the couch and he sat down. He pulled me down next to him and pulled em into a hug and inhaled deeply many times. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left. I should have known he would speak to you that way."
             "Why did you come back?"
             "To get you." He laughed humorlessly. "I needed your opinon."
             "Maxon as much as I love this and you I need to go prepare Osten's party and you need to work."
             "I don't want you to leave me. I need you to get me through the day." I stood up as Maxon reached out for me and laughed as Maxon over reacted to me exisit.

              "Welcome and thank you all for coming to celebrate my fourth and youngest child. Prince Osten is turning five today and we couldn't be happier. Thank you and enjoy the party." Maxon walked off the stage as he finished his speech and went out into the crowd to mingle.
               May came up to me and started talking quickly. "Did Maxon calm down."
               "Yes" Osten came running across from the ballroom and Maxon was slowly following behind, so I decided to go join them. "Excuse me, May."
                "Osten, come here baby." Maxon came up behind me and looked at me with awe.
                "I do not know how you do that. He always runs from me."
                "You just have to be patient and bribe him a little." I smiled at my husband as we took Osten to see his gift. It was a new bicylce he could ride in the gardens and he seemed eleated. "Do you love it?"
                 "Yes,  mommy. I love so it much."

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