lost cat: three

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You blink ten consecutive times to make sure that this is not just a hallucination caused by your non-stop work. Baji then slowly removed his lips from yours and forced a smile. "Hey, calm down, I can explain this." He awkwardly said as he raised his hands up like he was surrendering.

"AHHHHHHH!" You shout in panic. What the hell just happened? The cat turned into a human, naked, kissed me, and he's my damn classmate! Wait. Did I say that he's naked?

You pause when you realized that he's sitting on your lap. You slowly looked down only to see his thing, up close! "WAAAAHHHH!" You forcefully pushed him away and covered your eyes with your two hands.

"Geez, woman, it's like you have never seen a naked human before. We studied this in biology." He said in a monotone. You peered through the spaces between your fingers and saw him poking his ears, acting as if they got damaged by your scream.

You hastily stood up, gathered your blanket from your bed and threw it to his face. "Cover them!" You commanded and marched your way to the kitchen. There, you took the jar of salt and walked back to your room.

"Go away, you evil spirit!" You said and threw a handful of salt to his face.

"What the fuck?" He groans, brushing his hair to remove the salt. "I take back what I've said! You're not a good person!" He snapped while glaring at you.

You ignore what he just said and get another handful of salt to throw at him. He saw you, panickily stood up and marched towards you. "Hey! Hey! Don't you dare!" He shouted.

Seeing him approaching, you immediately took a step back "Don't come near me!"

"Then, don't throw salt at me! It got into my eyes! See? ouch!" He panicked even more when the salt actually got into his eyes. "Ahhh! Fuck! It hurts!" While walking with his eyes closed, he stepped on the blanket, causing him to trip and fall towards you. A loud thud echoed inside your apartment when you both tumbled to the floor, with him landed on top of you,

This is bad, I felt something on my chest. You thought to yourself.

You held your head and slowly opened your eyes. Your jaws dropped with your eyes wide open when you saw his face buried in between your breast.

You look beside him, and the blanket is there. You then returned your gaze to him, and he's naked... AGAIN. Soon after, you gradually feel the heat from his body through your shorts and top.

He slowly looks up from your chest. "oi, oi, oi... I didn't mean—" He wasn't able to finish his sentence when you slapped his existence away from his body.

"I sincerely apologize for my son's behavior." A beautiful lady gently said as she held your hands. You thought that if your mother was still alive, they were at the same age. You look beside you and there's Baji, sitting on the edge of my bed. He glanced at you but you rolled your eyes at him.

"I wasn't supposed to transform back to my human body. What happened? Is my curse broken?"

"Honey, no. You still don't have someone who will love you unconditionally." She pauses to rub her chin, thinking about something. "this is rare, but I read somewhere that when a cursed person has this strong feeling or connection towards the one they fell in love with, it could break the curse for a little while."

"Huh?" Baji said as he scratched his head, trying to comprehend what his mother said.

"It's like this... when you pulled a rubber band so hard, it will tear a little. that's what happened now. Your curse was torn a little because of your intense connection towards y/n"

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