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You laid in bed, way past any reasonable sleeping time, Wolf in Sheep's Clothing  blasting at top volume through your earphones as you silently worded it to yourself. All you did was stare at the ceiling, illuminated by your purple LEDs. The bitter taste of your ex still lingering on your tongue.

The red flags were right there, right from the beginning. Now you were numb.. (he/she/they) had played you, made you feel worthless. Your foster father was right, you weren't worth love..

You chuckled lightly as the song changed, Cradles. You would put your father six feet under if you ever saw him again, you hoped that day never came, it really would be a shame if you had to get your hands stained.

"I live inside my own world of make believe,
Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities"
You quietly, and mindlessly sang. You weren't really thinking about how the lyrics may seem unpleasant.

But another lurking in the dark did. He listened to your voice, just above a whisper, as you continued.
"I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach, cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep"

He moved closer, still hidden quite well in the shadows, but he liked your voice even if it wasn't at it's full potential.
"I love everything, fire's spreading all around my room , my world's so bright, it's hard to breathe but that's alright.."

You blinked your eyes halfway through those lyrics, waking up from your mindless trance as the words continued to seep from your mouth. It was true, the world seemed much too bright. You were jealous of those who got to be happy, but then again.. you wouldn't want anyone to feel the same misery as yourself. You still loved, still had a heart despite how bruised it was.

Your music came to end, buffering as it loaded the next song through Spotify. In those short few moments, you heard a low chuckle and quickly pulled out one of your earphones to scan the room. You definitely caught a glimpse of gold, two eyes staring at you through the dark.

You sighed, thinking maybe that high from earlier still hadn't worn off and perhaps you were seeing things. No one has golden eyes..
"You here to kill me?"
You asked blankly. Ha, you only wished.

"Oh no darling.. I'm not here to kill you, just give you a nightmare or two", said a male voice as a shadowy figure emerged into the purple glow. He hadn't expected you to at all believe in his existence, he wasn't expecting you to catch sight of his pale eyes.

Damn, that accent... You thought.
You simply stared at him, looking him up and down before rolling your eyes and slumping back on your bed, sighing once again, almost in a dismissing and bored manner.
"What are you, the Boogeyman?"

The stranger just smiled,
"Actually yes.. are you not frightened my dear?"
He asked slyly, much too smug for your liking. Perhaps it was time for someone to trim his ego, just a bit.

"Ok first of all, quit the nicknames. And no, you don't scare me. All my greatest fears have already been exploited, ya learn to live with it"
You finished your sentence off with a tired yawn, looking back over at him.

"Oh but I'm you're greatest nightmare.."
He he spoke darkly, stepping closer. But instead of fear.. you felt lust. You can't threaten a masochist, that's a solid fact.

You laughed softly and sat up, taking your earphones out,
"Jokes on you, I'm into that shit".
You grabbed an empty bowl from your nightstand and got up, deciding to take it to the kitchen sink, to sit there for days instead.

"Why do you not fear me?"
The man seethed. He seemed annoyed in your lack of engagement and the fact you seemed so unbotherd by his presence, when in his opinion, you should be trembling in fear.

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