chicken strips

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Pitch woke up, not in the dark, but under a ray of warm light that was streaming in the the window. Window? He shifted and felt a weight on his left side and looked down confused, but smiled when he saw your sleeping face. Wait..

His eyes suddenly widened. Oh god, did you guys sleep together or just fall asleep together?? Pitch squeezed his eyes shut as he carefully pulled back the duvet you were both tangled in, then finally opened his eyes again and looked down. Shit.

This was bad, this was very bad. It's not that he regretted doing this with you at all, but if North found out- he was fucked. And he didn't even get to do this properly with you, he would've liked it better if he had gotten the chance to court you. He'd have to make it up to you sometime.

But there was one more issue at hand.. can you guess what it is?

You shifted in your sleep and snuggled closer to Pitch, who decided to forget any issues for now, and softly brush the hair out of your face. Your eyeliner and mascara was smudged, but he thought it just made you appear even more beautiful.

This was all very knew to him, but he liked it, he liked your warmth, he liked the closeness, and... he liked you. That scared him. He hated being scared, scared of what might happen if you get hurt too.. so he would have to make sure to protect you. Make sure the others don't get you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You and Pitch would hang out almost every night. You would sit for ages, just talking about everything and anything, getting to know each other. Sometimes Pitch would even stay the night, though he often left before you awoke, leaving shiny black sand in your bed. But you didn't mind.

Sometimes you'd catch a glimpse of Frost on your classroom windows, it annoyed you. You learnt to ignore it after a few months or so. It was probably the best few months in your life despite the fact you were being watched. Pitch was kind to you, you always looked forward to seeing when midnight came around.

After a long day it was nice to lean against him and share a joint. Even when you felt empty and blank, he stayed with you. You still mocked him sometimes, but instead of getting frustrated, he would laugh and tease you back.

Tonight you were going out for a college party, you probably wouldn't see him tonight. A party is a party though. Free booze, free weed, karaoke. A perfect way to spend a Friday night

You walked towards the loud booming music, high leather boots clicking on the pavement, your untaime (y/c/h) hair blowing slightly in the cool breeze. This was going to be a fun night for sure.
Well it was.

Halfway through the party you were almost blackout drunk, about to lose consciousness in the loud sweaty environment when you felt a tug on your Black denim jacket. A chill ran up your spine and you attempted to roll your eyes, Jack Frost.

Suddenly you were back in your apartment. You groaned, you didn't need some wanna be hero saving your day ..or would it be night? You didn't care, you wanted him to leave you alone.

"(Y/n) that could have been dangerous.. please, drink some water",
He handed you a cup that he had just filled up at the sink, but you pushed his hand away, knocking it the floor as it satisfyingly shattered.

You repeated.
"I was fine. Also you're cleaning that up",
You slightly slurred, pointing to the spillerd water and glass now on your floor.

Jack sighed, He grabbed a dustpan and brush from under the sink and some paper towel and started cleaning up as best he could.
"North is worried about you (Y/n), I'm just trying to protect you".

"Well you're not doing a very good job.. so just go away! I'm a grown adult I don't need babysitting!"
You were tired and had a headache now. This was stupid. You just wanted Pitch.

Somewhere else in the world, Pitch was teaching fear to young children when he felt some kind of pull. (Y/n)..? You seemed to be distressed, what if you were in danger? His eyes widened and quickly ceased what he was doing and set off for your apartment.

"Frost!? What are you doing here?"
Jack suddenly looked up at the sound of the familiar voice, seeing something move in the shadows.

"I should ask you the same thing..",
Jack replied, readying his staff. Pitch stepped out into the dim kitchen light, a scowl evident on his face. He made his way up behind you slowly and you turned to look at him.

"Get away from her Pitch!"
Jack shouted, aiming his staff at the tall dark man, ready to hit him with an ice blast at any moment.

Pitch just growled.
"And why should I? What are you going to do about it? Go home and dibber dob to father Christmas?"
He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to him in a protective manour.

"Pitch don't make me fight you here, just let her go and leave",
Jack tried to reason. But Pitch was having none of it, a black curtain of sand swirled around the two of you as he stepped back into the shadows.


That was all Pitch shouted back. Jack's attempts of reaching you were pointless, all he could do was stand there and watch, as the two of you sunk into the obsidian black of potent darkness.

Jack had to tell North about this, why would Pitch want you? Why would he take you? Little did he know about your shared late nights and passionate kisses.. that had taken place under his nose this entire time.


wtf even are my story title's. I swear. I literally just name them randomly before I even start a chapter and then just keep it😂 Just like ignore them or whatever, they stop spoilers tho if you ever go to check chapter names, so there's that.

Hope you enjoy squids😋

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