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You wake up in an unfamiliar bed. It's not as soft and comfortable as yours. Your eyes flutter open to find a dark room. Where am I?

As if to answer your question, a dark figure walked into the room, silver gold eyes. You sat up as he sets a glass of water down on the crooked bedside table, sitting next to you.

"How are you feeling?"
He asked, looking at you with soft eyes. You rubbed your eyes and leaned into him, groaning. You had a massively throbbing head and your feet hurt from dancing for the majority of last night.

"Hung over".
You simple replied. Pitch held you close, sitting his chin on the top of your head. You both stayed there in a long comfortable silence, it was so calming, you felt safe here.

You reached for the glass of water and drank it slowly, Pitch running his fingers through your soft hair soothingly. You wished you could stay like this forever.

"I made something for you",
Pitch spoke up, his beautiful voice making you forget about your headache for just a moment. You looked up at him to see something shiny and black.
"Give me your hand".

You reached your hand out for him, letting him gently grip your wrist with one hand and slide a perfect fitting ring onto your finger. It was gorgeous, a smoky black diamond at the center. You giggled,
"Getting engaged already are we?"

Pitch chuckled,
"This ring is too protect you, it let's me know where you are. And, if anyone tries to lay a finger on you when u don't want them too, it'll stop them".
He brought your hand up to his face and softly kissed your knuckles.

You smiled and leaned up to kiss his lips.
"Thankyou Pitch".
He wrapped his arms around you tightly and you giggled,
"P-pitch too tight!"
He pulled back with a smile and you laughed, that wonderful, angelic laugh. All he could do was take in your beautiful face as you smiled.

"Here, let me show you around".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You had basically ran around like a small, curious child, taking in everything there was to see. Now you standing in front a large globe that was dotted in small golden lights.
"What's are all these little dots?"

Pitch appeared behind you and walked over to your side.
"Those little dots represent everyone in this world who believes in the Guardians",
He replied. Wow, that's a LOT of people, you thought to yourself.

You felt Pitch wrap his arms around you from behind you as you ran a finger over the globe, connecting the golden lights like constilations with an invisible line.

Meanwhile, the Guardians were all gatherd around their own globe. They were discussing their next move, afraid Pitch might be doing terrible things to you because you were North's sole blood relative. Oh how they were wrong.. but they didn't know that.

"He could simply just be holding her captive to get North's attention",
Tooth spoke, trying to calm the situation down.

"Yeah, or the cunt wants to kill her in an attempt to hurt North to weaken our defences and take over the place for his blood self",
Bunny stated, a look of disgust on his face.

"Guys we should not instantly assume the worst, Tooth might be right on this one",
North spoke, despite being quite anxious over the situation.

Jack hit the floor with his staff,
"He's Pitch Black! We have to assume the worst!"
They continued bickering as sandy just sat there, silent as usual.

But Sandy was second guessing the assumptions of the others. What if you were the one thing Pitch needed, the one thing that would stop his evil plans. Sandy had known Pitch much longer than anyone else in the room, he knew he was still a grieving man, that he was once a good guy, a hero just like them.

In his opinion, they were making too much of a deal about this. Of course he didn't say anything about it though. No one would take his side, it pointless to tell them anything because they never took his advice.

"Wait guys!"
Tooth spoke up.
"There's a possibility he could just be hanging around her apartment waiting for a good enough moment, like a time closer to Christmas!"
She concluded, and the others shut up to listen to her.
"We could try getting to her when she's in a class!"

"Do you really think he's going to just let her go to class?"
Jack asked, thinking this idea was stupid.

"Well it's worth a try, if it doesn't work then we can come up with something else",
Tooth reasoned, but Bunny just rolled his eyes and walked over to Jack.

"For once I agree with Winter over here-"

"It's Frost, actually",
Jack cut off Bunny, who just sighed and continued.

"He's probably going to lock her up. We can locate his new hiding place and break in, tie him up and make him hand her over to us. Seems more logical don't ya think?"
He spoke, his Aussie accent coming in more thick at the end.

"Agree, we go with Bunny's plan. I want (y/n) back here,"
North stated. He sat down near the fire and put his feet up.

"And if your wrong?"
Tooth asked, arms folded as her wings flutterd faster in annoyance.

"Then will use both plans.. but first we need to find the boogmans new hideout, agree?"
North spoke, his voice firm with the decision he had made.

Sandy rolled his eyes as everyone else nodded in agreement, getting right to work on their new plans.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You moved your hand away from the globe when Pitch tightened his grip, just the slightest bit, on your hips. You spun around in his grasp and looked up into his eyes, seeing a glimour of hunger in them. You smirked, placing your hands on his chest.

Pitch pulled you closer, pressing you up against his body, his pale eyes admiring you. The air was tense, but no in a bad way at all. All Pitch wanted to do in that moment was bed you, and you knew this, you could tell by the look in his eye.

"Thank you for showing me around, but could you show me the bedroom, I didn't really get a good look at it",
You spoke playfully, and Pitch chuckled darkly.

"Anything for you dear.."


Don't worry I'm not robbing y'all again. The smut will be in the next chapter that I get out, so look forward to that.

See ya later squids🐙

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