boots with the fUr-

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So, there you were, jumping into some random portal. With some random 317 year old. On your way to the North Pole, because apparently 'Santa' wanted you there, for some odd reason.

Sooo, if Santa -and the boogeyman- and this Jack Frost guy, were all actually real.. did that mean lepricorns and tooth fairies were real too? You didn't want to think about it too much, it was a lot for you to get your head around.

Also, according to the icicle twink, you had to believe in them before you were able to see them, that's why he was so confused. Obviously you hadn't believed in them, but all of a sudden you were seeing them. It was truely odd, but for some reason you weren't even freaked out. Guess that's just a GenZ thing, huh. Or just a you in particular thing.. anyways.

You found yourself now standing in a large open area, somewhere inside. There were these weird little.. what you assumed were elf sorta things, just walking around the place. There was a cold tap on your shoulder and you spun around, mouth gapping at what you saw. Yo blinked your eyes and then sighed.
"So this really is happening huh?"

Who you assumed was Santa, let out a small chuckle.
"Welcome, to my wonderful workshop. You like?"
You looked around, then nodded slowly.
"Let me introduce everyone! You probably already know me as Santa, but you can just call me North-"

The name rolled around in your head, as if it should mean something to you, nothing ever clicked however and you listened to the rest of his introduction.
"This is Tooth, queen of toothfaries",
He said gesturing to a very interesting looking female, who seemed to resembled that of a humming bird. She waved shyly and gave you a kind smile, which you decide to return in a small smile of your own.

"This is Sandy, he brings dreams to all the children in the world",
The man pointed to a much smaller, golden man who waved at you. His sand reminded you of Pitch's and you smiled, vaguely remembering last night.

The Russian sounding man then placed a hand on jacks shoulder, "guessing you already know jack here", he smiled, you nodded and rolled your eyes slightly.

"Yeah well, he is the twink who got me here",
You remarked. Jack just glared at you, and you could tell he wanted you to stop calling him that, ha as if.

North then gestured to a very giant rabbit who was standing close to the fire, "and that's Bunnymund, he does the Easter thing".
You tilted you head slightly to get a better look at the strange rabbit.
"What you staring at mate? And what's all that black shit around your eyes?"

You then remembered the fact you had thick eyeliner and dark eyeshadow on. You weren't exactly dressed up to meet these guys, and probably looked like a zombie from the walking dead. All you had on was ripped black skinny jeans and an old band T that was full of holes. Now you felt slightly subconscious.

"Hey uh North, are u sureee she's the right girl?"
Jack asked. He looked you up and down then to Bunny, who nodded, and back to the Russian Santa guy. You crossed your arms and sat on one of the low tables. Why were you even here, when were they going to explain everything that was currently happening.

North also crossed his eyes, glaring at both the rabbit and the twink.
"Yes, Frost, she is only one alive with my same last name. She saw you without believing didn't she? That should answer question".
And then it finally clicked, your eyes widening.

"Wait wait wait wait wait. Don't tell me we're related. Omg your like my super dooper great uncle or sum crap aren't you?"
You spoke, almost speaking more so to yourself than him. This has definitely been a roller coaster ride.

"Uhm, well.. yes",
North replied.
"I will say, I'm disappointed that you are almost beating jacks record on naughty list".
You rolled your eyes, suddenly now that he's got the only person left in his bloodline here, he thinks that he can act like he's your father.

"Well, your not my mommy so back off. I don't care about what list I'm on, I care about why I'm only finding this out now and what I'm actually doing here",
You snarked back in an annoyed tone. If he thinks he can tell you what to do, he's wrong. Very wrong.

The room now seemed tense and North sighed,
"Look, you're possibly in danger.. all I want to do is keep you safe. You never knew about me before because it was too dangerous, but now it is only way to protect you".
He moved towards you, putting his hand on your shoulder.
"(Y/n), I want you to stay here, with me and other guardians",
He said, gesturing to the others.

You just looked at him incredulously. You? Stay there??
"Aha, no way big guy",
You shrugged his hand off and got up, annoyed with this situation.
"No way in hell I am staying here, couped with you guys as you think up new ways to bribe kids! Like no offense, but I have a cat at home I need to care for, and y'know, a life".

"Wh- how- how is that not offensive!"
Bunny asked, getting angry.

"Deja-vu anyone?"
Tooth giggled, nuging Jack who just rolled his eyes, Sandy silently agreed however. North nodded to himself, this situation was, in some ways, similar to the situation caused when Jack was chosen to be a guardian. He only hoped you had a good center like Jack.

North spoke up,
"(Y/n) I know this is a lot to take in, but please, I really think it is best you stay here-"
He tried to reason with you, but you wouldn't let him speak any further.

"I don't need your opinion old man. I do what I want, and what I want right now is to go back home. I'm tired and I just want to watch my tv show".
You said, your voice was firm, but your expression was blank. You felt guilty for being so rude, but you didn't know how else to react. You didn't like it here, it was too bright.

North caved and handed you something.
"Fine.. here is snow globe, it will take you wherever, use it to get home. Just, think about what I've said ok?"
He gave a sad sort of smile and you looked down at the cold sphere in your palms. You thought about your apartment and an image of your room appeard. So that's how this works...

The image changed and you dropped the snow globe on the ground like Jack had done earlier.
"Wait.. that's not your apartment",
Jack piped up in confusion. You just smirked.
"Where are you going??"

"To get high. peice out bitchesss",
And just liked that you were gone.


Boom. Another short-ish chapter to make up for the last short one. Wow, I actually got TWO chapters out in one day!!

Have an awesome day/night squids!

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