Something about Coffee

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   Ok so this story is based around that series called RWBY (I'd recommend it but it's not really my cup of coffee. Go watch it if you want though, more power to ya!) and because I really resonate with Coffee Dad Oobleck I figured I should write a comfort fic of him. It's a softcore date of sorts where you meet up with your friend for a coffee... or 6... Anyway, enjoy Part 1 of my Remnant fics and I should have Part 2 done soon?


  '1:14 PM' was what read on your Lock Screen as you hastened your jog to the local Café. Sure, it was 5 minutes ahead of normal time, but it was better to be a little early than a lot late. Today was an exciting day for you, as you had made plans to meet up with a really good friend of yours for coffee. As you rounded the corner of a very busy intersection, you tripped on your shoelaces and nearly smacked your face against the concrete sidewalk, garnering some unwanted attention from people around you. You got up, fixed your laces, and continued your jog hoping you didn't waste too much time already.

 Finally you made it to the Café and stepped inside, heading to the counter to order a large cup of Mocha before sitting down at the table by the front window so your friend could find you more easily. Pulling out your Scroll, you turned it on to see that you were 4 minutes early, sending some wash of relief through you. You really didn't want to be late today. Not like all the other times...


 You shook off a lingering thought as you saw the familiar colors your friend adorned so often approach you at the table, giving him a smile as he sat down for a long awaited chat. "Dr. Oobleck! It's so good to see you." You said with a soft excitement, getting a chuckle out of the bespectacled man. "Please (y/n), I'd prefer it if you used my first name. After all, we are good friends." Oobleck said and you smiled softly. "I do it out of respect, Bartholomew. It's how I was raised." The man nodded at those words and adjusted his tie softly. He looked a little nervous, if you were being honest; like there was something he forgot to do before he left the house and only just remembered it. "Are you ok, Bartholomew?" You asked out of concern. The man looked up at you, Forest Green locks bouncing softly from the sudden movement. You took the time to admire his glasses; large round frames circling Sapphire Blue eyes as if to accentuate the hypnotism they afflicted you with the longer you gazed. A very soft blush came over Oobleck's soft complexion, and the two of you broke eye contact long enough to focus on the conversation instead. "I'll be quite fine, my dear. Just running myself a tad ragged with all this grading." Oobleck said, taking a drink of his very black coffee. You sipped your Mocha and let out a soft sigh, knowing just how hard this man would work to keep up with his students and lessons. "What about yourself, (y/n)? Were you able to persue an active and enjoyable career since last we spoke?" Oobleck then asked and you sat on that question a moment to think. 

 What could you talk about that wouldn't accidentally focus the entire day on JUST you and not BOTH of you. Well, there was that day your best friend's pet snake drank an entire cup of coffee and managed to pass out on your lap for 12 hours. There was also the time when you volunteered at that soup kitchen for the homeless citizens of Vale. Too many things to process in such a short amount of time. "Well, I... learned how to brew 14 different styles of coffee last week." You said, thinking that would be a good place to start. "14? I didn't think there were that many..." Oobleck said, genuine surprise on his face. You chuckled softly and gave him a smile. "I'm just talented like that." "Indeed you are, dear." He replied, a warm flush creeping up your neck at that word. 'Dear' you thought to yourself. It's nice of him to call you that. More often than not he addresses you as formally as you did with him earlier. You decided to spin the conversation off towards a more interesting topic. "So my best friend is trying to teach me how to fight... It's going about as expected for somebody like me..." You said with a soft sigh, sticking out your tongue and blowing a quick raspberry for effect. Oobleck chuckled and tilted your head up to meet his gaze from across the table. "Just because you haven't yet unlocked your Aura or discovered your Semblance doesn't mean you aren't equipped to fight, (y/n). It'll just take some time. If you'd like I could request you accompany me on my next patrol so you can get better acquainted with life on the field?" He asked, and you couldn't help but smile again. He looked to be awaiting your permission, so you nodded your head excitedly, too upbeat to speak at the moment. "WONDERFUL!" He exclaimed, causing you to jump slightly. You liked when he was happy, it made you happy too.

 The next couple of hours were spent reminiscing about the day you first met and wondering what the future would bring for all of you. "Well, now, I'm only saying; if there's a hoard of Grimm dancing on your front lawn and you DON'T have any ammo left in your weapon, should you not then wait out the storm until they get bored INSTEAD of going all Gung-Ho on them with makeshift weaponry you don't think will be strong enough?" You asked, digging into the fresh salad you ordered. "Well when you state it in that context it makes the most logical sense! However, what if the Grimm refused to leave? Wouldn't you then wish to deal with the problem yourself or ask those around you for assistance in dealing with your current predicament?" Oobleck rebuttled, and you thought about that for a moment or two. "Well I suppose but I wouldn't be the one fighting, now would I?" You finally said, and Oobleck nodded. "Too true, my dear."

 Eventually the clock softly ticking on the wall read 8:02 PM, and you both decided now would be the best time to head on home. "Allow me to walk you back home, (y/n)." Oobleck said, taking your hand carefully before guiding you out the shop door and onto the dimly lit sidewalk. The air was slightly chilled, and you couldn't help but clutch your arms close for warmth. It was a bad idea to wear just the homemade cardigan as a jacket this time of year, but you never left home without it. The sentimental value kept it very precious to you. Oobleck noticed you were chilled, and took off his Trenchcoat to drape around you for better warmth. You smiled and leaned into him, walking all the way back to your current domicile at your friend's house.

 Walking you up the steps to the door, you handed Oobleck his coat back and gave him a final tender smile. "Today was great, Bartholomew. I really hope we can do this again one day." You said, receiving a smile from the tall man in front of you. "As do I, (y/n)." He replied, holding out a hand to deal a friendly shake. You pulled him in for a warm embrace, surprising the man a bit. Eventually he wrapped his arms around you to return the warmth, and you both stood there for a few moments wrapped up in each other's soft hug. "See you again sometime." You mumbled into his shoulder, hugging a bit tighter before letting go and running inside.

 "..Soon, I hope."

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