Bickering and Fighting

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Today was not a good day. Everyone knew that.

Chuuya and Dazai were again bickering and endlessly fighting, but this time they were both shouting at each other while walking the Mafia's halls. Everyone was afraid to even try to stop them.

Dazai of course had to just make it worse, and Chuuya or course had to scream his lungs out.


"Fine!" answered Dazai with an angry tone.



And that was it. They both zipped their mouths, and didn't spoke to each other the rest of the day.

Chuuya went to his room, shouting the door behind him, he was mad. Which made him in a way sad, he hated it when they were fighting.

It might seem impossible, but he did feel bad that they always ended up in arguments from the smallest things.

Dazai, on the other side, was actually not minding it, he was already used to Chuuya's screaming and yelling.

But he knew he should had tried to stop the argument before it was how it ended like: Both of them yelling their lungs out, mad at each other.

He thought he should try to fix it. But how could he do that? Well... He should try to get Chuuya something he likes, right? And what does Chuuya like? Wine.

Dazai sighed, wine was the only option he could think of, and well, he went for it.

Dazai sneaked into Mori's office, and went to steal some of the most expensive wine bottles he could see there. He knew he will be dead after, but right now, Chuuya's happiness mattered more than some yelling from Mori.

After all, Dazai took some of the money too, he knew for what, none had to know.

Dazai went to Chuuya's room and knocked on the door.


"Get away shitty Dazai!"

"But Chuuya! I got you something~, it's one of your all mighty and favorite wines!"

At the sound of "Wine", Chuuya slowly cracked the door a bit just enough to take a small look at the brunette.

"Fine. Say, what the hell do you want, jackass??"

"I want my Chibi to forgive me!"

Chuuya's eyes widened a bit when he heard Dazai say that he, Chuuya Nakahara, was HIS. Chuuya's cheeks turned to a light shade of pink, grabbing in the door handle ready to shut it in Dazai's face.

"And! And.. we will go to the arcade too!"

Chuuya had a second thought, and opened the door, looking head to toe at Dazai.

"Tsk! Fine.." answered Chuuya, having a faint blush.

Dazai smirked, he was sure it would have worked.

In like 10 minutes they were ar the arcade, and as soon as they got there they got in a player against player game, Chuuya being sure he would win but of course Dazai HAD to crush his dreams and beat him..

"WHY YOU!?-"

"Nah ah ah Chuuya~! No yelling~"

"Tsk.. fuck you jackass!"

Dazai smirked, he loved to tease Chuuya, but he didn't expect one thing..

"Wipe that smirk off your face before I do!" said Chuuya angrily "Lucky brat...".

"Aww! Chuuya! You hurt me..!" Dazai tried to imitate a sad tone.

"Ha! As if I Care!!"

Silence, everyone from the arcade was looking at them.

Chuuya and Dazai were staring at eachother like close to start a fight again, but the brunette thought to just get up and leave, Chuuya, confused, following him.

In a minute or two they got to a nice small park, where there was no one at all.

"Why are we here, Mackerel??'

"Why are WE here?? Why did you follow me in the first place??"


The Moon was slowly raising, Chuuya facing Dazai, looking in his hazel eyes, yet, how much he loved those eyes, but hated to admit it.

Chuuya started to feel a few things for Dazai, just like the brunette did for him, but he didn't want to admit it, that's why he was cold with Dazai, just to get rid of the feelings, but it didn't help, it just made them stronger.

Dazai stared into Chuuya's eyes, in those blue ocean eyes that made his heart race and didn't leave his mind.

His eyes went down from Chuuya's eyes down to his lips, wanting to just go closer, wrap his hands around Chuuya's waist, pull him closer, with a hand gently grabbing his chin, making him look up at him then slowly leaning down to ki-, to just let go of him and let him fall. Yeah, that.

Dazai's cheeks slowly turned red at the tough of the feeling of Chuuya's lips on his.

"OI!" Yelled Chuuya, "Earth to Dazai!!"

Dazai snapped out of his thoughts and gave Chuuya a confused look. "What is it, Chibi~? Do you want my attention~?"

Chuuya turned red, almost wanted to kick him in his face, but holding back, for now.

Dazai turned with his back at Chuuya and
walked away, Chuuya having his hands in his pockets, following him, both of them straying quiet.

Both of them were walking around the quiet streets of Yokohama, bickering and fighting again, untill they got back at the Mafia, and sneaking in, going to their room.

When Dazai closed his door, he leaned his back on it, sliding down slowly, bitting his lower lip with his eyes closed. He was so in love.. so in love that he couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster, feeling his cheeks getting warm. He was in love with that certain blue-eyed ginger..

Chuuya as soon as he got in his room, closed his door and made sure to lock it, putting his forehead on the door and closing his eyes.

"Why do I feel all these things for him..?" was the first thought that came in his mind, he norrowed his eyebrows, trying to hold back from hitting the door, after all, it was true, he loved Dazai, but didn't admit it.

In the morning they both met and went to Mori to see if they have any new mission, and yes, they did have a new mission, so they went to just finish it already.

Everything was fine, untill they went back, of course, bickering and fighting on their way back, but it wasn't any fighting, or bickering... It was a real fight this time.

They were both yelling at each other again, and it was worse than it was supposed to be.

"Stop pretending, Chuuya! Stop pretending that if I would leave, you would have anyone!"

Silence .

"Ever since the Sheep betrayed you, you've been alone!! So if I leave you, you will be alone!!"


Chuuya looked away, clenching fists.

Dazai realised what has just happened, what he just said, and froze in place.

"But... It's not like if I leave... I will have someone.." said Dazai, feeling bad for what he said, what he should never talk about.

"Shut it, Dazai." said Chuuya, speeding up his walking and leaving Dazai behind.

They both haven't spoken to each other for the rest of the day.

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