This is not a date, Right? just a Hangout!

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The next few days, things have went quite fine after they both apologized, and even more, they didn't fight at all.

Both Chuuya and Dazai tried to avoid fighting over the smallest things and somehow that made them get slightly closer; though Dazai knew Chuuya's anger wasn't on purpose, it's a way to protect himself as to not seem weak.

As now they are at the Arcade, playing games; Dazai made himself lose a few times just to see that stupid smile of Chuuya's, only for soon the two to get a message from Mori, they have yet another mission.

"Ehh.. Mori-san never lets us have fun. What a killjoy." said Dazai, annoyed that they have to stop their game.

"Now now don't whine; we played all day! We got to do something else too."

On their way to the spot of the mission, Dazai felt like something was wrong; Everything went a bit too smoothly.

'I don't feel like this is right. We didn't encounter any danger.. wait, could this be-!?' were Dazai's thoughts, only for it to be too late when they realized; it was a trap.

Both the ginger and brunette were surrounded by members of SSI, all of them armed, pointing their weapons at them.

"Eh? These guys, again?" spoke Chuuya, quite annoyed.

"Don't worry, you got this"

"I got this!? What do you mean??? You know what- leave it to me, idiot."

Chuuya activated his ability, using the ground itself as his weapon along with gravity, taking each and every member of SSI down, having a smirk on his face; he knew he was way above them with his power and wasn't afraid, he knew he was stronger.

On the other side, Dazai was looking up at Chuuya, gazing at him. How could Chuuya be so beautiful even when he is doing nothing but murdering everyone.

As he was looking up at him, Dazai couldn't help but think 'how beautiful' when looking up at Chuuya. His eyes, his smile, his voice, they were all fascinating Dazai.

Chuuya took each of them down alone, landing on the ground, still smiling.

"Eh? So? What do you say, Dazai? Was it a good one?"

"A fantastic one indeed" purred Dazai, smiling too.

Dazai glanced at one of the bodies on the ground, looking at it carefully; nothing seemed suspicious. It was all the same like the other ones. What a shame, if there was at least a small hint they could've continued their mission.

Knowing that they could keep on with this, they decided it's best to go back to the Mafia and tell what happened for orders.

When they got to Mori's office, they were dismissed that they don't have something else to do, as the SSI already were a step ahead of them, they had to think of it carefully.

Dazai went to his room as Chuuya went to his own, but something couldn't leave the brunette's mind; why did he feel so charmed towards Chuuya?

Even so, he didn't know that Chuuya quite felt the same; but choose to deny it. He couldn't fall for someone like Dazai. It's Dazai we are talking about; perhaps the one you should avoid the most.

Chuuya went to his mirror and looked at himself; seeing the choker that he got from Dazai, only for the words 'Youre mine, Chuuya~' to ring in his head. Those were the words Dazai told him when he gave Chuuya the choker.

He couldn't deny, he did like the choker, it was stylish, and even more, it was his style too.

As for Dazai, he was just a mess. He didn't even know what is going on with his feelings. He isn't quite a "human" at first, plus he never quite understood feelings in the first place.

Did he really like Chuuya, or was it just some other feeling he couldn't percept right?

That's how the two of them spent their afternoon to evening like; thinking about each other, but didn't go to talk to one the other.

And so, the night rolls in, Chuuya was already preparing himself to go to sleep, after all, it was a tiring day after his daily training with Koyou.

But just as the ginger was about to lay in his bed and have a relaxing sleep untill the day if tomorrow arrived...

Knock Knock Knock

"Oh how great." Muttered Chuuya underneath his breath as then he sat up and went over to the door of his room and opened it, messy bangs in his blue eyes as they meet brown ones...

"What do you want, Shitty Dazai?" Cursed Chuuya as he looked up at Dazai with an unpleased look; after all, he didn't wish to deal with Dazai at this time.

"Oh, woe is me! Chuuya is so mean to poor me!" Cried Dazai as he was still wearing the same clothes, dramatizing all he said as he even put on a dramatic pose.

"Shut up! Be quiet, god damn it!" Answered Chuuya as he glared at Dazai. "Just spit it out, what the heck do you want before I kick your ass out of here." He said in a somewhat menacing tone.

"Hmp... you're no fun, are you, Chuu-ya." Asked Dazai as he straightened his pose and put his hands on his hips, looking at the ginger with a rather dissapointed look.

"Oh spare me. Spit it out! What do you want!?" said Chuuya sternly as he kept glaring at the suicidal maniac in front of him, ready to shut the door in his face any moment now.

"I just wanted to see what my precious little Chibi is doing!~" said Dazai with a smile as he leaned closer to the door, having that teasing tone in his voice.

"Tch..." muttered Chuuya; just to shut the door in Dazai's face, leaving the brunette there, with his eyes wide open and shocked.

And so, Chuuya stepped back and sighed, just for as he was about to go back to his bed...

Knock Knock Knock

"Oh gods sake!" Shouted Chuuya, just to walk over to the door and open the door wide. "What!?" He yelled at Dazai.

"Aww, Chibi is so mean to his owner..." teased Dazai with a smirk on his face just to then lean back and look at Chuuya.  "Well! I was thinking that tonight is a rather nice weather and there are no clouds... I was thinking that lonely Chuuya would like to go stargazing with me!"

"Eh?? Did you hit your head or something!? I'm not going anywhere!" Said Chuuya sternly as he looked at Dazai with the same cold glare...

Yet like ten, fifteen minutes later, thanks to Chuuya's motorcycle, they have now managed to reach to the edge if the town, where some hills were located, not too far from the town of Yokohama.

The two were sitting on Dazai's coat, staring up at the starry sky as the motorcycle was parked somewhere near them.

They didn't say anything, it's not like they had to say anything, at this point. Chuuya just looked up at the stars, blue orbs shining under the starlight and moonlight.. it was rather nice, to say the least.

Dazai, of course, was right by his side, but instead of looking up from the skyline, he looked down at the city, how the lights could be seen from the streetlights, the open lights from the apartments, restaurants, hotels, the lights from the cars...

They didn't need to talk. No. Not at all; when they could enjoy the silence as they were next to each other; because sometimes, they didn't need to talk to understand each other. Sometimes silence was enough.

"Say, Dazai." Began Chuuya as he kept looking up at the sky, being the first to break the silence. "Isn't the moon beautiful?" He asked.

And so, Dazai glanced up at the sky, a soft smile forming on his lips as he noticed the moon and the shining stars.

"It sure is, Chuuya." He said with the corners of his mouth turned up.

It was a beautiful night, to say the least. And both Chuuya and Dazai had enjoyed it, together, alone, without anyone to bother them.

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