Chapter Eight:

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Chapter Eight:

*Liam's P.O.V*

"So you really followed her!?"

"Yah! What can I say, I was curious!" I exclaimed. The boys were currently crounded around me as I sat at my desk in my room.

"Then what happened!?" Harry said motioning me to continue.

"So I followed her all the way to the beach-"

"The beach?" Louis interrupter.

"Yes Louis. The beach. Can I finish now?" He nodded his head and I continued talking. "So, she had to of walked like, at least a mile down the beach. Then she climbed into the dunes and there was this pond and-"

"Wow, wow, wow wait. She walked that far down the beach to a pond? I thought she hated water?" Zayn spoke.

"That's what I thought." Niall mummbled.

"GUYS! LET HIM FINISH!" Harry yelled. Wow...Someone's grumpy...

"So I hid behind a tree and eavesdropped on Kate and her two friends and they were talking about how Harry carried her really close to the water and that we almost found out her 'secret'" I said out of breath from saying all of that in one sentance.

The boys looked at me confused. "So she's definitely hiding something..." Zayn whispered to himself. "It definitely has something to do with water..." Harry added.

"I think this calls for a secret mission!" Louis exclaimed way to usual.

"Well what are we going to do?" Niall asked. We sat there for a few minutes before I thought of an idea. "We could spy on her? You know, just keep an eye on her just to see what she's up to." I said, waiting for the them to respond.

The boys answered with mutters of 'sure' and 'good idea.'

We spent a few more minutes just talking about random stuff before the boys had to go home.


*Kate's P.O.V*

I sat in my room, bored to death. It's already about 4:00 p.m and I did nothing but lay in my bed all day. I guess you can call it a 'Lazy Day.'

I decided to take my scetchbook out and doodle, just to pass time. I slid out of bed and walked to my desk. I opened the drawer and dug threw it, searching for the small book. I spotted it and pulled it out, placing it on my desk. I flipped it open to a blank page and grabbed a pencil.

I didn't even know what I was drawing, the pencil took over my hand and I couldn't control it. I drew swirls and curved lines all around the paper. I drew lightly and shadded in the right places, making the picture stand out.

I swept away a few eraser shreds and scanned the picture I just drew.

It was a mermaid.

She had long flowy hair that curled at the tips. Her body was held up by her arms as she layed on a rock surrounded by water.

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