Chapter Four:

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Chapter Four:

So here I am...laying in a janitors closet, trying to dry my tail off. There's nothing that can help me though. I looked around the room, seeing nothing but some dirty brooms, mops, and cleaning spray's. Nothing that can dry my tail, so I guess I have to air dry, which takes a long time. Mr. Krupp isnt going to be happy with me for running out of his class. I dont think im even going to go back. Class was almost over anyway.

Within the next few minutes, my tail was gone and replace by my legs. I dicided to stay in here until the bell rings, which is any second. I stood up and paced around the small closet.

RINNNGG!!! The bell went off signaling me me to leave the closet. I slowly opened the door carefully stepping out and into the hallyway of rushing kids. I pushed the door closed behind me and joined the flow of kids. This is gonna be a long day.


School finally ended...which I don't think could've taken longer. I got to my locker and packed up my things, heading out the door, not seeing any of THEM. I jogged out the front door of the school and headed home. 

I was on my normal route to my house, when I looked into the park. There was a giant blanket of dark green grass spreading across the ground. The tree's had just started to bloom, causing bright pink buds to surround the branches. It was so beautiful!

Without even thinking, I started to walk threw the enterance and into the park. I remember I used to come here all the time. With Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. We used to get along so well! What did I do wrong? I winced at the thought of the old days.

Then I saw something I hadnt seen in a long time. The treehouse. It looks really different. It's a lot more cleaned up looking then the last time I saw it a few years ago. Should I go check it out? Does it still look the same inside? Has anyone been in it? I have to go in it.

I slowly approched the edge of the woods, where the tree house is. I looked around the park, making sure no one was looking at me. Without further questioning, I took my first step into the woods. The leaves made a loud crunchy noise as I stepped on them. After jumping over a few big twigs and logs, I got to the tree house. I walked over to the lader, testing it to see if it was still sturdy. I lifted my foot up to the first step and applied some weight onto it. Nothing happened. I put my other foot onto the second step. Still nothing. Im guessing its safe to go up!

I proceded to climb the lader till I got to the top. Wow. It looks even better up close! I dont think I've  been up here in about six years! I walked threw the little wooden door and into the tree house. What I saw was shocking.

There were empty soda cans skattered across the floor, a worn out couch, a closet, and a mini fridge. Someone has been in here. Who!? I stood there for a few seconds, completly shocked. Then I realized that If someone comes here often...then they could come at any time. 

At that exact moment, I heard people talking. I could tell they were very close too. My eyes widened, realizing I couldn't escape. I rushed around the room in different directions, frantically looking for some sort of hiding place. The closet! I ran into the closet quielty closing the door behind me. It was pitch black in here and I don't think there's a light.

The voices were just outside the tree house door. I barried myself as far back into the closet as I could. I pulled my knee's up to my chest, curling myself up into a small ball.

Bang! The tree house door burst open, the voices filling the room. My heart rate got faster as they came into the tree house. I can tell there's more then one person because of the uneven creeking of the old wood.

"Yo grab me a soda" One of the voices said. Wait. I know that voice. "Ya, sure man." Said another voice. I heard the mimi fridge open, then close. They sound so familiar! I heard the couch squish indicating someone just sat down.

"Dude, Ally looked hot today."  Um..ew? I heard the 'TSST!' of a soda can open. "Oh I know" Ok now im getting frustrated, who are these people!

"I felt so bad for you in science. You had to work with Kate!" Said another voice. Wait. Liam had to work with me in science. 

Then it hit me. THEY were in here. Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry. Oh my god. This can't be happening. I didn't even think they still came to this tree house! I'm so dead if they catch me! What if they find me? What am I going to do?!

"Yah! Dude she's such a freak!" Liam responded. "Why did she run out of the classroom? What did you do!?" Louis asked.

"I didnt do anything! I splashed a little water on her face to piss her off then she freaked out and ran!" Liam said. Oh god. There talking about me. I can't tell if listening to there conversation is a good or bad idea. But I guess I have no choice.

"That's kinda weird." Harry said. "Yah, she did that in the cafeteria yesterday too!" Zayn spoke. Ok really? Can't they just change the subject and not talk about me!? "Oh yah! Haha! That was so funny!" Naill said, chuckling.

"I heard she has a huge fear of the water." Liam said. Yah, he's right, I tell people im terrified of the water and stuff (like the ocean) so they wouldn't suspect anything. I think it's a good idea.

"Yah like, whenever there's water around, she gets all scared and dosnt go anywhere near it. Have you guys noticed that?" Liam said.

"Yah! It's like whenever water touches her, she acts like it's going to kill her!" Harry said. This really isn't good, all. What if they figure out my secret? It's not like there gonna be like 'Oh she's scared of water, she must be a mermaid!' right?

"Whatever, she's such a phyco." Harry said. Ouch, that hurt, not gonna lie. 

"Dammit! I forgot the snacks in my locker!" Niall shouted, making me jump a bit. "Awww com'on Niall, seriously!?" Louis said."Let's just go back and get it?" Zayn said.

Multible mutters of 'Ok's' and 'Sure's' flooded the room. Footsteps made there way to the door. I heard the door close, then silence. Finally...They left! I waited a few minutes to make sure they were definatly gone, then took this time as a chance to escape.

I bolted out of the closet and out the door. I rapidly climbed down the lader. Once my feet touched the ground, sprinted out of the woods, sighing in relief. I ran out of the park and all the way to my house. 

That was a close one.


Helloo:D How did you like this chapter? What do u think is going to happen? Let my no what you think! Hope you enjoyed it!





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