Chapter Nine:

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Chapter Nine:

*Kate's P.O.V*

I sprang out of my seat and bolted for the stairs. 'Go Kate go!! You only have a few second felt'' I chanted to myself. I reached the top and was about to do a victory dance but I realized I probably wasn't going to have enough time. Aww.

I bolted threw my bedroom door and rapidly closed it behind me. Phew!! I made it!

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god I didn't change right in front of them!

All of a sudden, I heard a knock on my door. I froze completely. Maybe if I'm quiet enough, they'll go away.

"Kate open up. Are you okay?" I heard Zayn say from the other side of the door. It was obvious he was acting nice.

Wonderful. Just perfect. Why does he have to be here!?

At that moment I remembered that I forgot to lock my door. Crap! Zayn could just walk in if he wanted to...which would be bad. Really bad.

I began to feel the familiar tingling in my leg's.

"I know you're in there" he said in a mocking tone. What am I going to do!? Come on Kate! Think fast!

I can feel the tingling in my legs getting stronger and stronger. I have to hide or else Zayn will come in and see me as a mermaid.

I ran to the closest thing to me.

My bed.

I jumped into it causing a loud 'Thud' I yanked the blankets over my body, covering everything from my toes to my neck. At that exact moment, I felt myself transform. Perfect timing...

A few seconds later, my door flew open and in came a tumbling Zayn. He must of lost his balance because before I knew it he was on the ground.

As he was picking himself up, I made sure no part if my tail was showing.

Zayn stood up and wiped some dust off his cloths. I noticed his eye's scanning my room, until they landed on me.

He had a confused expression on his face.

"Umm.. Can I help you?" I said trying to sound normal. Good thing he couldn't see my tail...

"Actually, I was wondering what happened downstairs." He said sarcastically but with a confused look still pasted on his face. What was he expecting?

" I don't know... What happened downstairs?" I asked, playing dumb.

He gave me an 'are you serious?' look. "With the water..." he trailed on. "Why did you run up here so fast?" He spoke before I could talk.

I obviously can't tell him the real reason why I ran up here. 'Oh yea because I would've turned into a mermaid and stuff' Hahahahahahahaha no. I guess I have to lie. I hate lying.

"I ran up here because..I ughh" I paused for a few seconds thinking of an excuse. "I realized it was passed my bedtime and wanted to go to sleep?" I blabbed, sounding more as a question. I crossed my fingers under the blanket and hopped he would buy the lame excuse.

Zayn looked at me like I was crazy. "But it's only 5:30" he spoke in a mysterious voice.

Smooth Kate. You're just so amazing at making up excuses. I couldn't of thought of a better one?

"I like to go to bed early." I replied blankly.

"Then why were you out so late at the beach the other night?" Zayn said matter-of-factly.

How does he know about that!? Liam had to of told him. But he was right. There's no excuse for that!


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