Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Loki was laying on his back, listening to the whistle of wind through the grass and the quiet rustle of Jormungandr's body. He opened his eyes, blinking in the mid-afternoon light. Turning his head, he smiled at Sigyn. She was on her side, her head pillowed on her arm and her book's pages fluttering wildly in the wind.

Rolling towards her, he closed the book and slid it aside. Jormungandr's head poked out of the grass and stared at them. Loki made a face and his son flicked his tongue out before disappearing again. There was the squeak of a rodent a moment later and then nothing. Turning back to Sigyn, Loki leaned forward to place a soft kiss to her lips. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at him blankly. He smiled.

"Wake up, my love."

She stretched slowly, groaning. Rolling towards him, she snuggled into his chest. "Sleepy." She muttered. Loki huffed in laughter and rolled her onto her back. She stared up at him as he settled between her legs, his forearms down on either side of her head. She sighed happily.

These were her favorite moments, he realized. He had grown used to his mistresses, to their flirting and touching and smiling - all with some ulterior motive. It had taken time to remember how to hold a woman simply for the sake of holding her, how to be close just for the reassurance of contact and nothing more.

"What were you dreaming of?" He nudged her nose with the tip of his.


He scrunched his face up. "Why?"

She giggled. "I want to go. Okoro taught me a lot. I'd like to see it."

"Hmm... If I take you, do you promise not to run off somewhere with him?"

"Ah yes, the Prince's lover elopes with a Muspelheimr." She grinned. "I can hear the rumors already. Would you really take me?"

He nodded. "Anywhere you wish, anything you want. We can leave next week, if it pleases you."

At the beginning of the next week, Loki rode out to Reifr's home. Sigyn had been reluctant to leave them as she felt it was a home for her as well, so Loki had to content himself with seeing her at the palace after she finished her duties.

He worried enough about how close she was to the Muspelheimr but this trip would tell him whether or not the man was a threat.

Sigyn walked out empty handed, smiling as she pulled herself up behind Loki. Okoro struggled out of the door a moment later, lugging two bags with him. Sigyn wrapped her arms around Loki's waist and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Thanks, Okoro!"

"I refuse to speak with you."

She snickered. "I tricked him into making me breakfast and he's being a child about it." She explained. "I'll cook for you later!" She called to her friend.

"I want none of your cooking!" He shot back, though he was smiling when he said it. He and his brother mounted their own horses and followed Loki to the Bifrost.

"Okoro." Loki turned his head. "You say you have a place for us to stay?"

"Yes! Imem will take you in and Tendaji and I will stay with Imem's brother, Sefu."

"What did they have planned for us?" Sigyn asked.

"A feast, of course!" Tendaji grinned.

Okoro nodded. "There is always a welcoming meal for visitors but we have a prince among us! There will be a great feast. And for you, SeeSee, Imem's wife and I will take you to greet Ariyo in the morning."

The Burden Of Her Arms (Loki/Sigyn)Where stories live. Discover now